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I couldn't help but look at their necks. I could feel the pulsing of their blood vessels. I could sense their hearts beating one monotonous song. I licked my lips. My fangs came out. I felt as though my senses enhanced in some way. As I looked back at them, the boys made faces of disgust.

"Ugh, look at how disgusting she is," Tom commented.

"Whoa, that's sick," the blond boy added on.

"I don't know about this anymore," the redhead complained.

"Well, I guess we have to go in there. I mean, the Supernatural Brigade didn't come here for nothing," another brown haired boy spoke. I pushed myself away from the door. Suddenly, there was a bang coming from the back door. I looked behind me. A sheet blocked my view of outside. I clenched my fists. Only one side would come out victorious.
Before I got a chance to react, the front door burst open. The boys started scrambling in, waving their stakes and water guns wildly. I stepped back but ran into two more boys. They held my arms behind my back and pinned me to the wall.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the she-devil herself," Tom remarked. He carried a smirk on his face as his grip on the stake tightened. "I've been waiting a long time to do this." It was my turn to smirk.

"I'd be careful if I was you," I spoke in the same silky voice as I did with Sandra. The redhead walked up to Tom.

"Tom, don't do this. When did you resort to killing-?"

"Shut it, Connor!" he barked. "If we keep on being babies, the town will never see us as serious business." His fist turned white. "It's now or never!" The redhead, whose name was actually Connor, backed away. I chuckled.

"You know, there's one mistake you're making," I told Tom. He raised an eyebrow.

"And what would that be?" he sneered. I gave him a wicked smile.

"Don't rely your knowledge on movies." I pulled my arms toward, straining the other two boys' arms as they held me. Finally, I pulled free, and they stumbled backwards. I grabbed them both by the neck and tightened my grasp until they died in my hands. The remaining three boys watched as I dropped their carcasses on the ground. Connor pulled on Tom's arm.

"Come on, let's go!" Connor demanded. Tom stayed put.

"No! I'm doing this if it's the last thing I do-"

"Are you seriously sticking with that crap?! We're just a bunch of average guys! How did you expect us to go against pure evil like that?! She'll kill us all!" Connor clutched onto Tom's shoulders with desperation. "Don't you get it, Tom?! We're all going to die!" Tom threw Connor off him.

"Fine then, leave! You may be fine with living the rest of your life in fear, but I'm willing to risk my own life if it means taking this bitch down." Connor and the blond boy from earlier made a run for it, but they couldn't get the door to open. Tom, however, pulled out his water gun and sprayed at me. I was too quick for him. Out of nowhere, bat wings sprouted from my back and I sped across the house. The force of my flying knocked out all the lights. Everywhere was dark, and I was hungry. I didn't remember exactly what happened, but I soon found myself kneeling beside the dead carcass of one of the boys. I tore him apart bit and bit and gulped each chunk down. I was a vulture, tearing apart his flesh and body. Demonic? I know, but I was on a blood rage. All I wanted to do was feed.

Suddenly, a light shone on me. My skin started to burn and I cowered in pain. Tom stood there, flashing me with his industrial-sized flashlight. He stalked closer to me.

"Just stand still. Your life ends here," he hissed. I glared at him, my orange eyes piercing into his soul. I jumped up and gripped onto his hand until he dropped his flashlight. Then, I stepped on it and crushed it with my foot. Tom tried backing up, but he ran into a wall. He looked up at me with complete fear.

Damnation (OLD AND DISCONTINUED, PLEASE READ NEWER VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now