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Before you start reading, there are three things that you'll need to know. First off, don't expect this story to begin with a "Once upon a time..." or something of the sort. Second, be lucky you're one of the few people who are still in check with reality. And finally, I'm not as normal as you'd expect. I'm kind of like you except for one tiny detail: I'm a vampire.

How did it all happen? I was tricked. It all took place in the mediocre town of Athens, Georgia. It was November 15, my grandmother's birthday. I was 11 at the time.

The thing about my grandmother is that she was probably the youngest grandmother that ever lived. Or at least it looked that way. She had the appearance of a 30 year old. Every time I saw her, she always had some kind of red wine. It was particularly weird since she was the only one who drank it.

Anyways, we ate cake and sang Happy Birthday, the usual thing you'd see at any family birthday party. Then after all the activities, while I was busy bringing dishes to the kitchen, my grandmother asked me to meet her outside on the patio. I told her sure, the terribly agreeable person I was. Once I finished up, I walked outside to the patio as she said to. But to my surprise, no one was there. I was about to come back inside when, to my surprise, a shadow jumped on top of me. Out of instinct, I flung the creature off me. As I looked up to face my foe, I recognized the pair of vermillion eyes standing before me.

"Grandmother?!" I gasped. She smiled.

"How right you are," she said. "You've always been such a clever girl. Now stay still while I suck from that delicious body of yours." She took a step forward. I stepped away from her.

"Wait, what?! Why?!" I continued. I couldn't believe it. My own grandmother was attacking me. I didn't understand any of it. Grandmother raised her eyebrows, her smile widening.

"Oh, sweetie, don't be afraid. Grammy just needs a little sip of your blood." She licked her lips. "I've been watching you, Gina. Watching and waiting patiently for the right moment to strike. And now it's time to feed." Grandmother burst into evil laughter. Panicking, I turned around and started to run. With a flick of her finger, the screen door closed. I tried my hardest to open it up, but it wouldn't budge.

"Now, come to me," Grandmother cooed. Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled back. I kept on coming back until my wrists were in her hands. She turned me around, and I could see her fangs start to appear. Grandmother leaned in close to my neck and sniffed it. She licked the target area a couple times before giving in. As she sucked my blood, I lost my breath.

The pain from that vampire bite was gigantic. She left me on the ground, losing consciousness and blood rapidly, as she disappeared into the night. And it was then when my aunt came outside.

Now in this kind of situation, the normal human reaction would be to panic. When it came to my aunt, she literally screamed at the top of her lungs. She immediately ran inside and got the attention of everybody. And as she did, my breathing lessened. My heart slowed down and my vision blurred, too. I could feel myself dying right on the patio floor.

Luckily, my dad rose to the occasion and rushed me to the hospital. I probably wouldn't have survived if it weren't for his quick thinking. As the doctors took me to an emergency room, I passed out. It was there where I fell into a coma. People came and visited once in a while, but I was basically alone the entire time.

Months passed, and I finally woke up. And when I did, Grandmother was there, standing beside my hospital bed. She gave me a look of pity.

"What happened?" I murmured. Grandmother bit her lip. Eventually, she sighed.

"Gina, do you remember what happened the day before you're coma?" she asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I sat up straight.

"I... I can't seem to remember," I responded. Grandmother twiddled her thumbs for a while before sighed again.

"On my birthday, November 15, I told you to come outside. And when you did, I...." she trailed off for a second. "I'm really, really sorry for what I did. I was desperate and I was hungry and I-"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I interrupted her. Her reddish-orange eyes darted around for a split-second. She pursed her lips for a second before smiling. And when she did, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Grandmother had... fangs. Long, sharp, pearly ones. She slowly licked her fangs before closing her mouth. She chuckled to herself.

"Gina, the truth is... I'm a vampire," she said. I froze in my hospital bed. Grandmother was a vampire? The thought was unbelievable. Vampires didn't exist. Vampires couldn't exist. I brought my legs close to myself and hugged them against my chest. My hands were shaking.

"Tell me what happened that night."


"Tell. Me. What. Happened."

"You need to stay calm when I tell you-"

"Grandmother!" I hollered. She remained silent. I glared at her, waiting for my answer. Grandmother rubbed her eyes. She clenched her fists.

"Okay, then. You wanna know what happened?" she spat. "I drank your blood. I drank the damn thing, and it was fucking fantastic. Like smooth honey running down my throat." She slowly leaned in until her face was an inch away from mine. She gave me a menacing grin, showing off her fangs. Her eyes burned into mine. "And now, you're just... like... me. Do you get it now, Gina?" I just sat in my hospital bed, completely stunned. Was what my grandmother saying really true? It couldn't be. It just couldn't. I tried to speak, but it was like no words were coming out of my mouth.

"Go to Hell," I finally murmured. Grandmother raised one of her eyebrows. She turned her head to the side so her pointy ear faced me.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" she questioned. "You should really learn to speak up, young lady." I clenched my fists. I could feel my blood boiling. Eventually, I lost it. Suddenly, I stood up from my hospital bed and tackled her to the ground. My hands immediately wrapped around her throat. I clenched it as hard as I could.

"Go to Hell, you fucking bitch!" I hollered. I tightened my grip. Grandmother only held on to my wrists. She broke out in an evil cackle as she inspected my eyes.

"Wow, I guess it didn't take long for you to catch on." She slowly pushed me off of her. "Look at you! You're already showing off my color. A little more yellow than I thought, but nonetheless the same orange." Before I knew it, she yanked my hands from her throat and threw me back on the hospital bed. When she stood up completely, Grandmother dusted herself off. She sighed.

"Pity. I thought I could convince you very easily. But I guess it'll take a while before you inherit my will," she stated. She started making her way to the door. By the time I jumped out of bed, she had already closed the door. I jerked it open, and I was speechless. And she was just... gone.... I didn't know what to say or how to feel. And it was from that day forward when I realized life as I knew it was gone.

Grandmother never really visited after that. It took a few months, but the doctor finally let me out of the hospital. Throughout the entire time, I couldn't stop thinking about what I had become. Two years went by, and I had actually managed to survive. But as my life kept on going, the one question remained. Who really was my grandmother?

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