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"Hey, Gina. Gina!" A voice called out. When I opened my eyes, Zack Alvioni was staring down at me.

Zack was the boy beauty of junior high. He just so happens to also be my best friend. I first met him in fifth grade, when he first enrolled into the district. He was a complete jerk at first, but after we were partners in a lab, I got to know him better. Ever since, we've been the best of friends and always found time to hang out. I looked around. It didn't take long for me to realize I was in a movie theatre. I sat up on my seat.

"Oh, hey. I was just... uh... sleeping through the credits so I wouldn't have to see them," I sputtered. I know it was a bad excuse, but this movie sucked all the energy out of me. Zack raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really? That's a fantastic idea, especially since the credits are showing right now," he responded, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I turned to look at the screen. The roles of famous actors and actresses just started to scroll down in a list. I became speechless. Zack just stared at me.

"Exactly, now come on. I can go for a hot dog." He started shoving me to the side of my seat. My seat was the last one in the row. With the last shove, he pushed me too far and made me roll down the steps.

"Oops," he apologized sarcastically. I glared at him. I hated it when he was like this. He chuckled as he ran down the steps. I had to smile, too. I stood up and dusted myself off. Zack caught up to me at the bottom of the staircase.

When we exited the movie theater, a sleek black cat with purple eyes scurried over to a nearby dumpster and searched around for food. Zack had a look of disgust.

"Gross, a cat." He picked up a pebble and tossed it straight at the cat. When the pebble hit it, the cat hissed and ran off. Zack and I laughed. We turned to the left and started walking down the street. The town was especially lively tonight; cars raced down the street and people hustled down the sidewalk. Zack tugged on my hip a little to signal we were turning left again, and we ended up at a food cart. Zack turned around to face me.

"You hungry?" he asked. I snorted.

"I don't think this food cart's going to serve blood," I retorted. Zack chuckled at that and turned back to the food cart. He was the first to find out I was a vampire other than the obvious choice. In the week after my incident, Zack and I were assigned as partners during a lab together. He had accidently cut himself, and I caught his scent. Unaware of my actions, I came close to biting his neck. But before I could even touch him, he grabbed my face and smashed it down to the table. He told me, "Trust me, you wouldn't want to suck my blood."

I stood around the food cart until Zack got his hot dog. He chowed it down bite by bite until none of it was left. There was a bit of ketchup on his lip. I chuckled.

"Zack, you have a little something right here," I said as I pointed to my lip. He furrowed his eyebrows for a second before he realized what I was talking about. He licked his lips suggestively, and I looked down. My cheeks turned red with embarrassment. Zack sighed.

"Ready to go?" he asked. I looked back up at him. He stared at me, waiting for an answer. I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go."

For majority of the walk home, it was silent. I still felt uncomfortable from earlier and I just wanted the night to end.

"So how was that movie?" Zack asked out of the blue. I shrugged, remembering how I must've looked in my seat when I woke up at the end. I chuckled under my breath.

"Well I can't say for sure, considering the fact that I was asleep for most of it," I answered. Zack snickered at that.

"Well you missed a great film. I mean, the way they revealed how Vladimir Draco was actually the father of—"

"Okay, okay. You don't need to go all nerdy on me," I complained. Zack smiled at that.

Eventually, Zack went down his own route and I was alone. I continued walking until I came upon the dark shape that was my house. Though it was night time, you could still see the aquamarine slate pieces glistening in the moonlight. Dad called the house a steal, but I always knew there was something up with it. I marched up the front porch and rang the doorbell. The click it made softly echoed in the dead silence of the night. I waited about five minutes before my older brother Jacob opened the door.

"Oh look," My brother sneered. "Gina's finally home." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut it," I grumbled. I ran upstairs and down the hallway into my room. When I found myself alone, I jumped straight onto my bed. I felt more tired than I'd actually realized.

Jacob was my 17 year old older brother and inherited blond hair and blue eyes from my dad. He had always been my tormentor, but over the years, I learned to just deal with it.

I was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard Jacob's voice.

"Hey, Gina! Come check out something cool!" he called for me. I groaned and forced myself to get out of bed. I plodded down the stairs and entered the kitchen. The moment I was there, I gasped. Two squirrels bled profusely on the table. The blood was horribly tempting. I closed my eyes. I could feel my fangs start to reveal themselves.

"What's wrong? Feeling... hungry?" Jacob pestered me. He was the next person to figure out I was a vampire. He was proving he could cook by preparing soup. As he chopped carrots, he accidently cut himself. I smelt his blood and attempted to pounce on him, revealing my fangs. However, Jacob was a football player. He saw what I was doing and shoved me into a wall. Without a further thought, he slapped me across the face, knocking all of the craziness out of me. I've known ever since not to mess with him.

"Where did you get these?" I asked, trying to control my hunger. I really wanted to suck the life out of those squirrels. Jacob shrugged.

"My friend had some rodent traps and he lent me one to, you know, use them," He smiled wickedly. "Do you want to feast or do you want to just let them rot?" I stood there stupidly, just staring at the squirrels. The animals were going to die anyway, but I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I sucked their blood.

"Umm... neither!" I blurted out. Jacob shrugged and pushed the dying squirrels closer to me.

"It's your choice what you want to do with them." And just like that, he ran upstairs to his room. I continued to stand there. Seeing those bleeding to death made me even more tempted to suck their blood. I was feeling ridiculously hungry. I gulped. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore.

I finally drank from the squirrels.

I felt refreshed, but at the same time, I felt the guilt. I didn't want to do it, but I killed them anyway. I felt like a monster.

At dinner, I didn't touch my meal. Suddenly, spaghetti and meatballs didn't seem that appetizing. Mom was confused and kept on nudging my elbow to goad me into eating my food. Dad also noticed my eating behavior but didn't say anything. Jacob kept on glancing at me and, when we made eye contact, smiled. He did this; he was the one who made me kill those squirrels.

After dinner and the dishes, I trudged up the stairs. Right as I turned to my room, Jacob was there, grinning.

"Enjoy your meal?" he snickered. Anger bubbled up inside of me. I ran past him and into my room. I hated this thing I was. Why did I have to be this way? Why me?

Damnation (OLD AND DISCONTINUED, PLEASE READ NEWER VERSION)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat