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"Gina? Gina!" a voice sang out. Everything sounded so blurry.

"GINA!" the voice boomed. I sat up, coughing and panting for air. I looked around. It didn't look like my room. Suddenly, Zack came into view.

"Oh good, you woke up." He sighed and wiped away the sweat on his face. I was glad to see he wasn't terribly angry with me.

"Why am I...?"

"I wanted to pay you a visit, you know, apologize for what happened earlier. But when I came to your house, I smelled something bad. I climbed into your room and saw you unconscious. I got out of there before something bad would've happened to me." I rubbed my head.

"Oh," I murmured. I didn't occur to me that this was Zack's room. The events of the night I stayed over here played over in my head. I lay back on the bed.

"Here, let me get you a drink." He proposed. He left the room and closed the door. I listened as he ran down the hallway. Zack was a good friend; he didn't deserve someone like me. At that moment, I overheard the doorbell ring. I sat up again and listened carefully.

"Oh hey, Joseph. It's been a while," Zack said in a slightly muffled voice. I groaned. It was that one moment when you don't want to see someone but they show up anyway. I lay down once again. Footsteps echoed through the house as Zack and Joseph made their way into Zack's room. The door creaked open slowly. When I came into view, Joseph's eyes lit up.

"Oh wow, well if it isn't a vampire in pajamas," he snickered. He walked up close to me until we were only a few inches apart. His eyes turned yellow. "Did you miss me?" I gasped. He laughed under his breath. Zack walked past the two of us and over to his window. Joseph smirked at me before following. Ever since I saw the dream, I've been afraid of what he does when I don't see him. I kept my eyes on Joseph.

"So, are we still up for this thing?" Joseph asked. Zack chuckled.

"Yeah, totally. Yesterday, my mom went to the store and hooked us up with a whole lot of chips, drinks, and stuff," Zack chuckled a bit. "It's going to be a blast." I stood up.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. Zack turned to look at me.
"Oh yeah, Gina. I'm having this party later today. Would you like to come?" he suggested. I shrugged.

"Sure." Joseph looked at me, then Zack, and then back at me.

"Ooh, sorry. See, this is a werewolf-exclusive party, and you're not a werewolf," he spat. Zack rolled his eyes.

"Come on, I think we can make an exception. She is my best friend." Zack pointed out. Joseph tried to respond, mouth agape. Finally, he sighed. Zack turned to me. "So do you think you can come?" I nodded.

"Sure, let me just go home and shower." I answered. With a smile on his face, he left the room. As Joseph followed him, he paused when he was right in front of me. He leaned over.

"Did you enjoy my little present? That was a little thing I like to call sulfuric ether. Really left a nice smell, didn't it?" he murmured. I froze. Joseph walked out without another room. It all came together. Joseph tried to kill me. I shook my head. If he was serious about my destruction, then I needed a plan to stop him. I almost left the room when I heard something.

"Ugh, can someone please get me out of here?" a squeaky voice complained. I crawled underneath and searched around until I found what spoke.

"What the...?" I muttered to myself. There, wedged in a tight spot, was a golden mouse. I picked it up and held it in my hands. It wriggled around.

"Hey, petunia, you're blocking my only ray of sunshine," it squeaked at me. I snorted. I wasn't too shocked since I already saw this kind of thing from Ellie.

Damnation (OLD AND DISCONTINUED, PLEASE READ NEWER VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now