i lean down and put it in the bag, zipping it up. when i stand up i see him getting something out of his jacket, i see him pull out a little clear plastic baggy with white substance, i imeaditly know which drug it is. he hands over the baggy, his hand making contact with mine as he did so, i turn to Kyle and give him the baggy, he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You want me to leave you right here, by yourself?" he asked a little Un-believing.

"Just go, i'll be fine" I whispered to him back, he sighs and grabs the baggy and heads back towards Bane. 

When he get's to Bane, he grab's the baggy and opens it. I see him testing the drug, nodding his head in approval. I see Kyle trying to hurry back over here, I roll my eye's and whisper just low enough for the guy in front of me to hear.

"Man, you think your cousin would be a little more trusting of you" I see Austin holding back a smirk as he slightly shakes his head.

"Yeah well, what can you do?" he asks rhetorically, i just slightly shrug my shoulders.

"Well?"i ask once Kyle get's back to me.

"Done deal" he say's just quiet enough for me to hear. I smile and walk the few steps in between me and Austin, holding out my hand.

"Look's like you guy's have got yourself a deal" I tell him, he grabs my hand and pulls me a little closer.

"good doing business with you" he says loud enough for Kyle to hear, then he say's in a low voice. "be careful, and get you two out of there" 

"I will" i say back, he lets go of my hand and pulls out a package that i didn't even notice was in there to begin with. he hands it to my and i hand it to Kyle, i reach down and pick up the duffle. as I'm handing it to him i say-just loud enough "D 334, Bryant" and then i back away as he grabs the bag. his face looks a little confused, but i knew he would figure it out.

I turn back to Kyle and he walks with me, his back to where we are going to keep an eye on things. When we reach our little group, Kyle hands Bane the package of drugs, then we get in the car and leave.


When we get back to the warehouse we hear a commotion going on inside. All of us barely spare a glance at each other before hopping out of the car and running inside.

When we get inside we see 2 guys going at each other, fist up and blood running down their face's.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Bane's Voice boomed over their commotion.

"I'm tired of this guy acting like he's all high and mighty! Like he has a higher standing over everyone here! He's not better than me! He's just low down, dirty-" the guy who was screaming got cut off by the other guy punching him square in the jaw, he staggers backwards but regains his balance. "why you little" the guy growls before pouncing at him.

They keep going at it, back and forth, shouting and calling each other names, while everyone stands to the side and just watches.   Mr. Kensington is standing on the side with his arms crossed, practically fuming as he watches his employee's brawl it out. 

I looked around at everyone who was either watching with concern for one person or who were just amused by what was going on, I on the other and couldn't believe Mr. Kensington was letting those go on.

I was watching closely and suddenly saw the one guy who was yelling earlier, pull a knife out while the other guy had nothing.

I was about to go and step in when Kyle grabs my arms and hold me back, I shake him off and try to go over their but he hold's me again.

Spying is my life... But now I have to be an Arms DealerWhere stories live. Discover now