Chapter 13- THE END

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I opened my eyes and covered them with my hands to block out the light. Where am I? I slowly uncovered my eyes and sat up looking around me. I was in a forest. Who am I? I'm pretty sure my name's Clare. Clare what? Why can't I remember? I was wearing black jeans and a black Paramore shirt that matched my black hair.

I pushed myself off the floor. "Hello?" I called. I heard a rustle in a bush near by and turned quickly. "Who's there?" I put my hand up in a motion as if I had a knife, it felt so natural. But I had no knife, and I looked retarded. A boy walked out of the bushes. He was kinda cute. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He wore A white shirt and black pants.

"Who are you?" He asked.

I knew that voice. I knew it. "I'm Clare." I said putting my hand out.

"Jeff." He grabbed my hand. I know this boy.

"Do you know how to get out of here?" he asked me. I had the feeling I knew the way. I turned and walked to a few tress and pushed back the branches, leading to a park. "Thank you." Jeff said politely and walked past me.

"Wait!" I called as he started walking away.

"Yes?" He asked turning to face me. In the sun he had rings under his eyes.

He kept putting his hands in an invisible pocket, then realized it wasn't there, and left them hanging at his sides. "I know you from somewhere." I said walking up to him.

"I knew it." Jeff said smiling. That smile is so familiar. I can't name it though. "You're so short." He said laughing.

"You're just abnormally tall." I said back grinning.

"So where do you live?" Jeff asked.

Where do I live? "I hope it's better than the middle of a forest." I said laughing. I was barefoot and could feel the soft grass tickling my feet.

"So you don't know either." Jeff said looking around.

"Maybe it's for the best." I said.

"What the-" Jeff pulled out a black ribbon from his back pocket.

My breath caught in my throat as I instinctively grabbed it, "Thats mine."

"Well you have some memory." Jeff snickered.

"I don't know why I did that." I said blushing. I looked away and saw a couple. The were near the forest edge. A girl with bright red hair and a skirt with a tall guy with shaggy brown hair and bright eyes. I wanted to remember, but I couldn't.

"Oddly familiar in a bad way." Jeff said glaring.

"Get off me you weirdo!" A voice yelled from within the forest next to us. My hand shot up again and I noticed Jeff's did to as he reached for me. Then two boys toppled out of the forest. One boy had glasses, brown curly hair, a black hoodie, and jeans. The other boy had shaggy blond hair and blue eyes with a green shirt and khaki shorts.

"Who are you? Where'd you come from?" I asked.

"I'm Ben. And I'm thinking I came from about 4 yards deep in that forest behind us." The blond boy said with a goofy grin.

"Jack. And considering that retard fell on me-" He paused to glare at Ben."Exactly the same area." The other one growled. This is starting to become a little creepy.

"Clare." I whispered.

"Jeff." Jeff said pulling both boys to their feet. Ben was slightly shorter than the other boys.

"Why do I get the vibe we've met before? Is this what deja vu is? " Ben said awkwardly.

"Look how short you are." Jack said looking down at me.

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