Chapter 5

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"Can't you just show me how to make the portal myself? I think I can handle it." Why won't he just teach me? Am I really not trustworthy? Well..... I guess I can't blame him. I've been pretty untrustworthy.

"Why? Don't you have people to get rid of here?" Jeff kept his back turned to me as we walked deeper into the woods.

"Please! Pretty please! I just want to check one last thing!" I feel so exposed. So weak. I hate it. 

"Then I'll take you. Just tell me where." He growled from in front of me. Obviously annoyed.

"Because I want to go by myself." I huffed. Man he was hard to keep up with.

"Look. It's a little late for teaching. Just tell me where and how long you need to be there!" He shouted walking deeper into darkness.

"But I don't want you to go! I want to go by myself!"

"Well that's not going to happen tonight now is it." He stopped abruptly and I ran into him stumbling backwards. "Just tell me where. Now." He growled in a low voice turning to look at me. When you looked at him, you wouldn't take him seriously. His permanent smile and unblinking eyes, make him almost comical. But then again, I look like that too. 


"Tell me or else you can forget about ever learning the portals."

"That boys house." I said looking down at my feet. He was kinda intimidating, and tall. I did have a knife though. But that would be like the third time.

"I really don't want to know. Make it quick." He hissed breathing in my face. I nodded and he opened a portal. I quickly stepped through it. Landing in the street looking up at the boy's house. I took a quick breath and ran into the house checking every room. There was no one here. Just Caution tape and lonely evidence markers. He's gone. But I need to save him. He was already becoming crazy. I can't let that happen. 

"No one's in there! Get out and let's go." Jeff said from behind me. I turned around and took a step back. "Come on. I don't have time for you to mess around. Hurry up and get out." He motioned out the door.

"But I need something. Quickly. Just leave. It will only take a second. I'll meet you down there." I said quickly. He sighed into his hand.

"Fine." He walked down the stairs. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Not good. I need to find him. I need to get him to safety. I need to save him. I have to I-

"Well I knew you'd come back." 

He's here. I turned around quickly and came face to face with him. "You didn't tell anyone right?"

"That I met a beautiful killer and she visits me from night to night? No I didn't." I noticed he smiled. I felt my cheeks start to heat up. Ohhhh. Why now. "You need to tell the police about me." I said slowly. If he did then he would be put in a mental facility and kept out of harm. But what if it's to late?

"I can't now." What?

"No you have to. I need to help you. Just tell them."

"But I already killed them."

No. I was to late! Damn it! Now Jeff will be in here any second and kill him. I can't let that happen. I have to help him. "Just get out of here. Now! I don't ever want to see you or hear about you ever again. Make yourself disappear." I heard the footsteps on the stairs. The moment I blinked my eye Brandon was gone. How did he do that?

"Come on. Times up." He grabbed my arm. I went along and looked back constantly.

"That forest. If you continue walking, will it take you to the house?" Jeff nodded. "If I was at the house, which direction would I have to walk to get here?"

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