Chapter 4

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Now the smell came off. I liked that smell. Made me scarier. Next time, I'm leaving all the blood on me.

"Where is my dress!" I shouted to find my dress gone! What perverts!

"I think BEN might've taken it. Not sure." Jeff said through the open door connecting mine and his rooms. Why did they have to put that there.

"Then go get it from him!" I shouted. "Why?" "If you don't I'll knock that smile right off your face." "Try me." He looked at me through his unblinking eyes. I don't think I'll ever get used to that.

"Such an ass." I mumbled slamming the door closed and opening the one to the hall. "Jane!" I whisper shouted. She came walking to my room moments later.

"Where are your clothes?" She motioned to my body wrapped in a towel with her knife.

"Can you get my dress. Jeff said BEN took it." She nodded her head and went down stairs. I then closed that door and sat on my bed, arms crossed. I looked in the mirror on the wall across from me. That smile is perfect. I'm so pale. My hair is a mess. I wonder if I can steal my brush from my house.

"I found your dress. It's clean." Jane said from the other side of my door.

I walked up and let her in my room. "Thank you." The words sounded wrong on my mouth. Like they don't belong there.

"Go get changed. We have to do something with your hair." I feld to the bathroom and got into my dress. All the tears had been sewn shut. The blood was washed out from it, no stain remained. And a thick, black ribbon was sewn around the middle.

"I need to get my brush from my house." I said picking up my knife from my pillow.

"We can't go now though. And by tonight you won't be able to brush your hair. Just come with me. Sally has a brush you can borrow." Jane left the room in a swift action leaving me to pick up my knife and follow her.

"What time is it?" I ask her catching up and out of breath. Curse my short legs.

"Probably around noon or something." She shrugs. Opening a door that's at the end of the hall on the right side, we enter a pink room. It has stuffed animals by the bed with stuffing coming out of various holes on their bodies. And a white bed turned grayish by dirt. "Sally!" Jane called into the room, heading to the connected bathroom.

"Yes?" A voice piped up peeking a head around the door. Her hair was knotted all over and had dirt caked into it.

"Can Clare borrow your brush?"

"Yes." Sally disappeared into the bathroom and returned with a hairbrush. It was surprisingly clean. "Here." She handed me the brush. I took it nodding to her. I wonder if she even uses her brush. Probably not. Or else her hair would look better. I ran the brush lazily through my hair and handed it back to her.

"Well, if that's all." Jane left leaving me to stand awkwardly with Sally.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find some food." I said backing out of the room slowly while Sally shrugged and skipped back to her bathroom. The memory of food made my stomach growl. I haven't eaten any real food in awhile. I could use some. When was the last time I actually ate? No matter. I'm going to find some food if it's the last thing I do. I arrived in the kitchen and went to the fridge. EWWW! Is that bloody, raw meat?! I closed the fridge quickly and stepped away from it.

Who eats that?! Never mind. I opened the pantry and found an actual bag of real chips. My mouth started watering from the thought of eating something. I reached for the bag of chips to realize I'm too short. "Damn." I said jumping to reach the bag. It just stood there, mocking me. "That's it." I grabbed a chair from the table standing on it to reach the chips.

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