Chapter 3

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"Are they finally back yet! I might end up killing someone if they don't." I glared directly at Slendy. I can't explain how much I despise him. UGH!

"I see them!" Sally said excitedly looking through the window next to the front door.

"FINALLY!" I shouted throwing open the door and glaring at them all. "It's midnight! You are supposed to take me to that boy! Now hurry up!" I shouted in Jeffs face. He looked at me in disgust.

"Take a step away from me." He pushed me back with the tips of his fingers. "And if we go to early, they won't be asleep. And you'll get caught. So shut up. I know what I'm doing." He brushed passed me easily walking into the house.

"Erm... I'm gonna go and...." BEN trailed off quickly trailing after Jeff, as the rest of the guys followed.

"If only I knew how to do that portal thing on my own! I could be out way earlier and get a lot more done!" I shouted stomping into the house after them.

"Well that sucks doesn't it." Jeff growled at me.

"Why are you such and ass!" I shouted at him. I picked my knife off the table I had set it down on.

"Because you annoy me. Just like Jane aggravates me." He shot a glare at Jane and she turned to look at him. "Can we just go! I can't stand being in here any longer."

"Please do go. You've been the most annoying creature today." Slendy looked at me with his blank face. How that freaks me out, I don't know, but it sends shivers down my spine and I don't like it.

"Fine. As long as you stop talking." Jeff walked out the door with me right behind him.

"Hurry up. I need to find him." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"How a girl so small can be so annoying, I'll never know." He sighed and opened a portal easily picking me up off the floor, and tossing me through it.

"Hey!" I shouted as I landed on my butt.

"Shut up!" He scream whispered to me. I looked around at the houses.

"Do you really think he would still be here?" How stupid can he be! He brought us to the same street as the night before.

"Yes, I do. Cause I'm smarter than you. Now go check. And hurry up. I have places to go tonight." He had a hint of bloodlust in his eyes as he said the last part. I rolled my eye and got up walking to the same house I did before. There was caution tape over the door and around a the front yard. And as I easily pushed open the front door, there was caution tape wherever there was blood, and little markers wherever there was a blood drip.

"I knew it. No one." I whispered to myself. I walked up the stairs and into the boys bedroom. I was surprised at what I saw. He was still here. He was in his bed asleep, just as last night. And he was so still, and so defenseless. Such the perfect victim. I carefully walked up to his bedside, careful not to make a single noise. I could practically smell the blood already. I brought my knife up, but paused. His breathing. Faltered. He's awake. And he doesn't know that I know. I smiled.

"Prepare to die, boy." I whispered and right before I pushed the knife through his neck, I stopped. "Please tell me you don't think I don't know you're awake." I breathed in his ear. I felt him stiffen. "Don't move." I whispered to him. He obeyed. "Now what's your name, boy."

"B-Brandon." He stuttered. Not a bad name.

"Brandon." I said trying the unfamiliar word out on my tongue. "I like it."

"Aren't you going to kill me?" He asked. Where does he get this courage? I must find out at some point.

"I was sent here to finish my job. But there are others that need killing, and you don't count as one. But, I have to kill you, or else I will die as you will."

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