Chapter 2

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"So bored." Why did it have to be so boring? Man. I could be spreading blood. Ohh I missed the scent already! My knife isn't clean enough. I wonder if there is anything that can make a knife really shiny. I should experiment. Getting up I walked to the bathroom and checked for any cleaning products. There was toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, and antiseptic. "This won't work!" Frustratedly I chucked the tube of toothpaste at the wall.

"Anger issues?" Just what I need.

"Go away." I growled. 

"I think I'm good. You might want to try a rag. But I'm not sure if it works on dry blood." He clucked his tongue.

"Good thing it's not mine and there are more in the basement." I smiled smugly.

"Good thing I know how to lock the basement door." He scoffed. I frowned at him.

"Leave me alone before I make this fresh blood." I growled at him.

"I'm so scared! You can't kill me, get over it." Jeff tried to frown, but with that creepy ass smile it was impossible. 

Oh how I hate him. Yet I feel oddly attached to him. Like I was safe I guess. I feel like I have met him before. And that I'm safe with him. But I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! "Hello?" A knife was waved in front of my face.

"Get that thing away from my beautiful face!" I screeched grabbing the knife from his hand and running from the bathroom.

"HEY!" I ran to Jeff's room and closed the door connecting mine and his, locking it. 

"You can't lock me out of my own room! SMILE!" I turned to the sound of growling. AWW! A doggy! It had black greasy hair with blood over it and a human like smile, kinda like Jeff's.

"Hi puppy! Aren't you cute. Who's a good boy?" I cooed at the dog dropping both knifes on the floor. Smile, I guess the dog, was looking at me oddly, then wagged his tail. "Come 'ere!" I pat my legs and Smile jumped on me licking my face. "Awww." I pet his head as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. How cute.

"No Smile! Attack!" Screamed Jeff from the other side of the door.

"You won't attack me right?" I pet his fluffly neck and he wagged his tail.

"THAT DAMNED DOG IS TO SOFT!" Shouted Jeff kicking the door.

"I like you Smile." He licked my face one last time before getting off me.

"Open the door!" Jeff shout pounding on it. Smile whimpered and I sighed picking up my knife and opened the door.

Jeff swooped in unbelieveably fast and pinned me against the wall with his knife against my throat. "Did you look through anything?" I shook my head quickly but in small motions. "Get out of here." He growled throwing me towards the door. Smile barked.

"I know, what an ass." I said glaring at Jeff before returning to my room to see Slendy.


"It's almost time." He grabbed me and in the blink of an eye I was in the living room. Everyone was there except Jeff and of course Smile. They were all prepared for to go out on a killing spree. I smiled.

"Do I get to go? I already have the perfect victims." I gripped my knife tighter.

"Yes, but do you know you're way back here?"

"From where I entered, just run straight." I used my knife as a pointer.

"Where's Jeff?" Jane asked boredly. In a second Slendy had Jeff in his hand.

"Put me down you deranged man." 

"I get to go out tonight." Sally giggled up at me with her bear tightly in her arms covered in blood.

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