Chapter 9

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"Well I'm stuck with you." Jack sneered at me. I was on top of him in seconds with my knife posed to stab his face.

"I suggest you watch the way you talk to me, Jack." I said his name in disgust and got off of him.

"Anyways, come on, the house should be down that road." Jeff said brushing off his hoodie. I shot a glare at Jack before walking next to Jeff. "Whatever you do, don't make contact with ANY of the demons down here. And I mean it." Jeff whispered. I looked towards the first alleyway we passed.

All I saw were the glowing of eyes and heard the sound of growls.

"What's wrong with them?" I scrunched my face up.

"I'll explain when we get to the house."  I continued looking down the alleys as we passed each one. You would see the flash of a blade or the swipe of a claw. Teeth always showing and eyes always glowing. Then it hit me before I even saw it.

"Get off of me!" I shouted before I was pulled onto my back by a chain around my ankle. I was slowly being dragged towards a very dark alley. 

I brought my knife down on the chain making loud clanging sounds but no damage was inflicted.

"Jack! Don't just stand there!" Jeff shouted. I felt his hand skin my arm before I was dragged into complete darkness. I saw nothing but black.

"Alright. You got me. Get this chain off my ankle now." I said aggravated pulling at the chain.

"You're not going anywhere." A soft voice echoed. That sounded familiar. I swear I knew that voice. I pushed myself up onto my feet

. "Come on. Do you seriously want to kill me? I have tainted blood. I probably taste like crap." I said. 

"I never said I would eat you. I like killing, just for the fun of it." She let out a soft whisper type of giggle. Definitely knew this voice.

"Can you at least show yourself you wimp. Hiding in the darkness." I heard a hiss and a little light was lit in front of me. The glow showed the pale skin of a barefoot girl with chains wrapped around her. As the light got brighter I started making out her whole figure. She wore a red dress and had red eyes with matching red hair. She gripped her chains tightly in her hands and they were draped awkwardly around her body. Red, blood like tears stained her cheeks. 


"I know you...." I said pointing my knife at her.

"And I know you, Ragdoll." She smirked.

"I thought your were a figment of my imagination, but apparently I was wrong, Scarlet."

"Oh, I've known you longer that.... Don't you remember?" She gave me a toothy grin before the light blacked out.

"Whatever. Just let me go before I slice your throat." I threatened.

"That's if you can stay on your feet long enough." She let out a loud cackle like laugh. I was pulled to my back and more chains gripped my ankles.

"Bitch." I whispered. Think. Chains. Knife is no use. "JEFF!" I shouted. I sounded so weak. I felt a tug on the chains and they tightened. 

I let out a groan. I swear I felt my ankle crack.

"They won't come in here. They know its a death wish." It sounded like she was above me. I waved my knife up above my head. "I'm here." She whispered in my left ear. Instead of swinging to my left, I swung to my right, catching her dress. I felt a drop of warm liquid land on my arm.

"Is that..... Blood?" I said my eyes getting wide. My bloodlust feeling coming back. I thought I wouldn't see blood for awhile. But here it is. Adding to my already dried up blood.

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