Chapter 8

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Don't look back. Just keep running. I ran to the deepest parts of the forest. Getting myself lost in its darkness. Loosing myself. I don't know why. But I felt something. It was bad. And it's what kept me from killing Brandon. That poor hopeless soul. I didn't hear anything behind me. So I stopped and looked around. It was completely silent. It was perfect. It was for me. And only me. I put my arms out dropping my knife on the ground and just fell forward into a world of my own. When I got this falling sensation. 

I ended up on my back staring at the canopy of gray trees. It was silent. I felt around me to the uncomfort of my knife missing. I got up slowly with no rush. And spotted it a few yards away from me. Well thats odd. I got up and grabbed it. I shrugged to myself. "No worries." I said. My voice filling the emptiness of the forest. I took a huge breath and began walking slowly through the woods. "Even heartless people have hearts." I whispered. It was true. For somehow I had a heart. And it was buried deep within me. Im just a girl with a broken mind. A broken soul. A broken body. A broken heart. 

"Well. Things can't get worse. So bring it on." I said to plainly no one. I looked up to see Scarlet a few feet away. She had a sad expression and the red on her cheeks was very noticable.

"Come back." She said with an echo. I turned around and walked in the opposite way. She was then there to. "Please." I stompted my foot and turned around where I came face to face with Scarlet. "Don't leave. I need you." Her soft voice echoed around me. I didn't think it was possible, but it was. I got even crazier. When my mind snapped. I'm turning more violent. More visual. Seeing things. I sneered disgustedly. "I miss you." Her voice echoed, but her lips didn't move. I walked past her and through a wall of bushes. It opened to a neighborhood, the houses were old, the streets empty, and the grass dead.

"Hello." I called out. There was movement in the closet house. I smirked.

"No. Come back." Scarlet echoed in the empty streets. "Come with me." Her hand was outstretched to me. I shook my head angrily. I walked gracefully towards the house. It was blue with cracks in the walls. The grass was dead, and the roof was cracked. 

"Hello. Come out." I said. A door opened and out came, Brandon?! How? What? No way! I stumbled backwards and fell.

"Should've come with me." Scarlet echoed. But Brandon didn't look right. His face was pale, his clothes were red and ripped, and his eye had a crazed look to it. He smiled widely at me. 

"I knew it was you. I've been waiting." He pulled out a big butcher knife. It was covered with fresh blood. But I couldn't catch the scent. "And now, you'll never leave." He lunged at me. I rolled aside quickly. It was to late. To late. The words echoed inside my head. I pulled my knife out.

"You want to play? Let's play then." I growled. He came at me and I quickly shuffled to the side. I turned to face him. He was just standing there staring at me. "You chose the wrong killer to come after boy." I hissed. He let out a cackling laugh. I flinched at the horrible sound. 

"You chose the wrong person's life to fuck up." He growled back. Lunging at me as I lunged at him, we collided in the middle. I pushed him backwards towards the ground and he cut a deep gash in my cheek.

"You ass." I growled. I aimed straight for his throat. He just dodged the attack like it was easy. He tried to plunge his knife into my back but instead caught my arm, for I moved. I let out a soft whimper pulling the knife out of my arm. "Now I have two knives." I smiled holding a knife in each hand. Blood flowing down my arm.  "I never wanted to kill you. But if I have to. Then I will." I grinned. Holding each knife up in a ready position.

"Just leave it alone." Scarlet echoed though I could not see her. Half of me knew she was right. But the other half was so extremely pissed and tired of it.

"I'll be back. And it won't be pretty." I growled frustrated. I threw his knife to the floor where clattered annd took off into the woods.

"Follow me." Scarlet echoed. I did. I don't care what happens, I want to be far away from there.

"Just go straight." Scarlet stopped and there was a tall wall of trees, beyond that lay moolight. I walked through the trees and ended up at the house. 

"Thanks Scarlet." I said sarcasticly.

"And you! You shouldn't have let her out of your sight! It's your fault she took off!" I heard Slendy screaming, or more like talking louder than usual, around the corner of the house. I walked over to check it out. Slendy was 'screaming' at Jeff and Jack. "If you don't find her! I'm erasing her from history." Slendy growled in a menacing voice.

"You wouldn't do that to little me now would you?" I said inoccently. Then an idea popped into my head. "Can you erase any one of us from history or just make us normal again?" I asked.

"Yes. And I'm very close to doing that to you." 

"Can you erase Brandon?" I asked. Please say yes.

"Why should I?"

"Because he has repeatedly stabbed me and I just can't kill him." I said begging.

"Where'd you run off to! One minute you were behind me, the next minute I turn around and all thats left is dust." Jeff said angrily.

"I....... snapped. And then I found Brandon. And he tried to kill me. So I tried to kill him. But I can't because I don't want to hurt him. And I just want him gone." I whined.

"I don't understand how this is my fault." Jack mumbled. 

"Just come on. We leave in a few minutes." Jeff grabbed my arm.

"Slendy, can you try to? Please?" I asked.

"We'll see." He growled going inside for a minute.

"SO many problems." Jack said.

"Why are you even here? You don't need to be here." I growled lowly at Jack.

"I have to go now." Jack groaned putting his head in his hands. I wonder what the Under Realm is like. It can't be to bad. I mean I'm a killer. Pretty sure nothing can scare me if it tried. 

"I can't erase Brandon." Slendy said coming out from the house.

"Why does nothing ever go right?"

"He's apparently not one of us yet. He's inbetween." So doesn't that mean I could get him to be human again? Or I could push him torwards insanity and just erase him. Each option has its work cut out for me.

"Great." I sighed in response.

"Have fun." Slendy said before opening a portal and all of us walked through it. Jeff and Jack landed on their backs while I gently landed on my feet. I took a good look around me.

"What the hell happened here?" I said.

Filler! The next chapter will be amazingly awesome and their stay at the Under Realm will be most mysterious. Stay awesome and beautiful. Luv ya guys ;) Tell me what you think. Isn't Brandon just a complete ass?

Don't be scared to tell me your opinions I can take it. Have a nice day!

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