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Yes. I know. I am one day late. Because I had NO idea it was Friday yesterday. I thought it was Thursday. However, I apologize for my late update. I've noticed the reads for the chapters are decreasing and I can't help but feel I'm doing something wrong. Anyway, here's your update :)

I think he finally decided that it wouldn't be a wise idea to let us starve to death, because it wasn't long before Jeff came to fetch us for dinner. I was actually quite surprised that we were being brought to the meal instead of the meal being thrown at us in that dark room.

But I wasn't complaining.

Sue and I decided not to put up a fight for our own reasons. My reason was because I knew it wouldn't be wise to struggle and get myself thrown back into our prison before I got my answers.

Jeff kept a close eye on us from in front as he led us down a series of hallways and finally down a spiraling staircase and into a small living room. My breath hitched in my throat and goosebumps grew on my arm as I walked through the room, trying to avoid eye contact with the murderers that were interacting there.

Some of them were almost like normal people but each of them, I knew, had a problem of their own, apart from the fact that they were all demented psychopaths.

There was a boy with blonde hair and black eyes that seems to be oozing blood on a computer screen. He had on a link costume and was talking to the person seated in front of the computer.

Meanwhile in the corner, a little girl in a torn pink dress with blood decorating its hem played with her teddy bear while a woman, about 22 years of age with a purple hoodie and a face that appeared to be as black as midnight, laughed along with her.

Only a few spare glances were cast our way and the others didn't seem to pay much attention to us. We were brought into a large, old fashioned kitchen where Slenderman stood, communicating telepathically with a human girl who looked worn out and frightened.

The girl nodded before proceeding to the stove to do whatever she was told to do. He turned to us, his face still a blank and expressionless slate.

It's so hard to find good help these days. Please, have a seat.

He gestured to the long table in the center of the room that could seat about 30. Sue and I reluctantly took a seat beside each other and watched as he took his seat at the head of the table.

He looked at the girl and judging from her pause, he said something to her. She proceeded to the living room where she told those sitting there that the meal was ready.

Suddenly, I didn't feel so hungry. The idea of sitting with these things and eating God knows what didn't seem so appealing to me. I mentally gagged and looked over at Sue. All the color had drained from her face and she looked down while fiddling her thumbs, her long blonde hair covering her face.

There was chatter and laughter as they took their seats. The girl who I had presumed to be their maid (or their slave) had gone off to call the remaining others to the table.

She returned shortly, and began to place  different pots and pans with different foods on the table.

The killers eagerly dug in and I reluctantly reached for a container myself. A voice startled me almost causing me spill it's contents.

"I wouldn't eat that if I were you. It's kidney stew. For EJ." The woman in the purple hoodie grinned and me, and I sheepishly returned the grin.

"I'm Katherine by the way. But I'm better known as HB Kay," she smiled, holding out her hand.

The Chances Are Slender (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now