Who Knew a Slender Could Love?

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Here it is. The long awaited update. It's been so long I think I've lost the ability to write well lmao. But I will try. So please bear with me until I adjust again. Picture of Elizabeth up there ^ or on the side >
Please. Have a seat.

We stood unresponsive to his request. Sue was probably too petrified to even move a limb. I, on the other hand, just planned to be as uncooperative as possible.


There was more urgency this time, yet it did not sound like a threat. We decided to sit in order to appease him.

"Please, explain why we're here," I said, my voice trembling a little and I cursed in my head. I would not let my voice betray the fear I felt inside. The aim was to remain looking completely unaffected.

If that was Sue's aim, she was doing a terrible job. Her eyes searched the study frantically. She was tearing up and she gritted her teeth, shivering under Jeff's cold glare. She was definitely a soft hearted person.

I returned my attention to the blank face of the creature in a suit. He had a mysterious, assertive air about him. He definitely made you curious but there was always the fear of him devouring you like he had done to so many others.

Sue Kay Burbanks and Hannah Hunt. Am I correct?

"Yes." His ominous voice in my head sent shivers down my spine. How was he able to do that?

You have been chosen. Not by me, but by fate. It is because of me why you're here. I am responsible for actions I committed in the past, and you two are the consequences I must face.

Curiosity burned into my like the heat from a thousand suns. "What do you mean?"

Perhaps it would be better if I showed you.

"Showed us? What do you-?"


It hung over me like a fog. My body felt heavy and I was in an unknown state. Somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness.

I felt leaves underneath as I managed to leave the deep slumber. The light from a golden sunset shined into my eyes as I opened them, causing me to squint. I scrambled to my feet and surveyed my surroundings.

I was in the forest. It was somewhere around sunset. I could hear the gurgles of a river nearby and the chirping of birds which seemed to get louder and louder with every step I took. I was confused. Wasn't I just in the Slender's study a while ago?

The sounds of singing interrupted my worried thoughts, and I went deeper and deeper into the woods, losing myself in the trees trying to find the source of the sound.

I finally came to a small clearing, where the river twisted and turned until it was out of sight, the water glistening like a bed of diamonds. Everything was so hyperrealistic.

I ducked behind a tree as I spotted the singer, perched on a rock by the river side. Her black raven hair ran from her head and touched the ground and as she turned around slightly I could make out eyebrows and eyes just like mine. In fact, she was almost a spitting image of me, with just differences in the shape of our noses.

A rustling from the trees nearby. She stopped singing. She looked towards the trees on the other side of the river with a smile on her beautiful face. And much to my surprise and terror, the Slender Creature emerged.

I switched my attention from him to the woman and then to the bouquet of flowers he held in his hand. He seemed shy... almost reluctant in his movements. His face was still a blank slate.

The Chances Are Slender (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now