Chapter 18: how?!

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*THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO BIGsis266 AND katnip1345 . thank you both for the support you give*


Numb. Thats all i feel. After countless hours of pain, suffering, and black outs i feel nothing. Anton sure did his job good. Sleep sounds so good right now, but i know if i do i probably wont wake up to see my husband or kids ever.

Will and Natalie talk to me to keep me going, giving me encouraging words, but i don't know how much more i can take and its only been a day. Who knows how long i will be here. Days. Weeks. Months. YEARS! For all i know.

Suddenly the door opens and in walks Eric. I wonder what he wants now. "How are you feeling Tris? Are you sore?" He asks faking sympathy. 'Smart ass.'

"What do you want Eric?"

"I just thought i would give you some compony. So your not so lonely. Possibly reunite you with an old friend." He said. " Bring him in boys."

Him? Who is him? The door opened and in walked two bulky men and a boy. With sandy hair and a good build, yet skinny. He looks familiar. "Who...." all of a sudden the boy looks up quickly. I gasp. "A-al? Is that really you?" I say shakily.

"Tris?" He said and started struggling to get away from the men holding him.

"Well ill let you both get reacquainted. Lets go boys." They let Al go and he ran to my side while the three men left.

"Oh my god Tris are you okay? What did they do to you?" He said in a panic.

"Were fine Al." I say putting a hand on his cheek. Trying to reassure him.

"So who is the lucky guy that stole you heart?" He asks rubbing small circles on my untouched belly. That was the one place that Anton wasn't aloud to touch.

"My husband Tobias, or as you know him Four." i said with a smile. That is another thing that has kept me going was thinking of my husband. Its weird calling him my husband now.

"Four? As in our instructor Four? Wow did bot see that happening." He said.

"Enough about me, how are you alive. I saw your body being dragged up from the chasm. How?" I said

"Well once you went off on me in front of the entire dauntless compound, i left to go back to the sleeping quarters. As i was making my way down the corridor i was hit in the back of the head by one of Eric's goons. When i woke up i was in a cell a couple of doors down from yours. Ive been here ever since. Every once in a while ill get a beating, but mostly they just leave me alone." He explained.

"So why do they keep you if they don't do anything to you." i ask. We didn't even hear the door open.

"That my dear Tris is none of you business. You time is up, but don't worry he will come back once your fun with Anton is over with." He said with a grin. "I have decided to make you both cell buddies. How dose that sound. When you have your fun with Anton he will be removed, but once your done he will be brought back. Sound good? Awesome. Boys, Anton." he called.

I clung to Al for dear life out of fear, while he stood protectively in front of me trying to put as much distance between me and Anton. The big buff men or 'boys' as Eric likes to call them, quickly grabbed Al, and struggled getting him out of the cell.

"Now that he's out of the way. Ill leave to let you all have your fun. See you soon." with that he left me to writhe in pain at the hands of Anton.


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