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I felt something warm and soft on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Tobias standing over me with a hand on my stomach.

"Tris?" his face lit up when I opened my eyes. "Oh my god your awake!" he said leaning down and kissing me.

"Hey." I said once he broke away. "How long have I been out?"

"You've been out for about three months. You lost so much blood, your body had to replenish it."

"THREE MONTHS!" I look down at my stomach to see I have a small baby bump. I look back up at Tobias smiling. "They saved me you know."

He looked at me confused. "What do you mean they saved you? Tris are you okay? I laughed at him. "What?" he says.

I just laugh even more, "Nothing you have the same reaction I had when my mom told me."

"When your mom told you? Tris your mom is dead, she couldn't have told you."

"Its a long story, so you might want to sit down." I tell him, knowing that hes going to very confused and overly protective of me now when I tell him the last part of what my mother told me.


As I said, once I told him about our children gift and about how people are after them and others like them he automatically grabbed my hand and placed the other protectively over my stomach. "I wont let anyone touch them or you." he said looking me strait in the eyes.

"I know you won't." I say smiling up at him.

Then the door opened and walked in my friends and Caleb. I automatically stiffen when I see him. What am I going to say to him. I know my mom said that I should forgive him, but how do I do that when he sent me to my death?

"TRIS!" They all yell and run over to my bed. Christina practically mauled me when she got over to me.

"OH MY GOD! I've been worried sick. Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" she said in one big rush.

I chuckle at her, "I've missed you to Chris, and I didn't know I was until my mom told me." she looked at me with the same confusion Tobias did when I told him. "Long story." I say smiling at her.

Then Caleb came up. "Tris I......" I stopped him.

"Hey can you guys give me a minute alone with Caleb?" They all look from me to Caleb weraly then node. Tobias wouldn't be Tobias if he weren't stubborn. He didn't move. I put my hand on his face, "Its okay it'll be just a second I promise."

He looked at Caleb one more time before he nodded and left, leaving me and Caleb alone in the room.

Once Tobias left the room Caleb started to speak again. "Tris I....."

I cut him off. "Save it Caleb. I'm going to ask you this once and once only so you better answer truthfully. Did you realy know what Jeanine had planed to do with me?" I looked him strait in the eyes so I could tell if he was lying or not. If theres one good thing about being friends with a former Candor its that you learn how to tell when someone is lying.

"I swear to god Tris I had absolutely no idea what she was doing. Honestly I don't even remember seeing you in Erudite Headquarters." He was telling to truth, that or he was a VERY good lier. I guess ill just have to believe him; mom did say that Jeanine had been manipulating him. "Tris please you have to believe me I would never...."

"I forgive you." I say


"I forgive you." I repeat.


"Mom told me that Jeanine was manipulating you, I just wanted to hear it from you. To be honest I think I forgave you when I decided on going into the Weapons Lab." I say

He jumps up and hugs me. "Thank you Tris. I would do nothing to ever hurt you.." he looked down, placed a hand on my stomach and smiled. "or my little nieces or nephews."


When she said that forgave me I was so happy. I truly had no idea of what Jeanine Mathews had planed for Tris, honestly I don't remember much at all from that time span. Nun the less IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!

Convergent: Book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now