1 Year Later

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I stand anxiously in front of the mirror. My makeup and hair is done to perfection thanks to Blondie and Ranko. I stare at myself worriedly. The reflection of myself in a white wedding gown was almost to much. Ranko, Kelly, Kaylee, Samantha, and Wendy walk in, the baby blue bridesmaids gowns looking wonderful on them if I do say so myself. My mom is right behind them.

"Hey. You are going to be fine. You are happy and that's all that matters. I love you."

"Love you too mom." She starts to cry.

"I've got to go sit before I have a complete meltdown!" She rushes out of the room.

"What's wrong with you? Even though it's not like I care." Wendy asks smugly. She's a lot like Takuto in many ways.

"Oh I don't know....? Maybe complete and total nervousness that something is going to go wrong? You're marrying Takkun in what two months?" She nods. "Ill ask you the same question then, see what your response is." The girls laugh and Kaylee looks me in the eyes.

"You look amazing. Don't worry."

"I still cant believe Hiro managed to get you to talk." She just smiles and laughs lightly. She still doesn't say much, but its a definite improvement.

As I fidget nervously in my dress, my dad comes in. "Hey girls. It's that time." They all give me a quick hug and go out to walk down. Ranko is with her hubby, an editor at her job, Blondie is walking with En, Kelly with Kenshi, Kaylee with Hiro, and Wendy with Takuto.

"You look great sweetheart." My dad kisses my forehead. I can hear Here Comes the Bride begin to play as I take my place, hand in my Dad's arm. The church doors open and we slowly walk out and down the aisle.

Riki's standing there, in his white tux, hie groomsmen by his side. Takuto was the best man of course.

Riki just lights up when he sees me. The faint blush creeping onto his face and the joy in his eyes causing a chain reaction in me. My nervousness fades to be replaced with joy and love.
Time skip cuz I'm not good at mushy mushy cry cry. Sad cry cry I can do. But I'm not that big of a sap.
"You may now kiss the bride."

Riki smirks and pulls me close. His hand on my lower back, my cheek in the other, he dips me down backwards and kisses me, showing no restraint or lack of skill in the make out department. The church bursts into laughs and sobs and cheers as we pull apart and begin to walk back up the aisle together, ready to face whatever comes in the future. I have my heart and I have my love. That's all I ever need.
Hey guys. Now its just the his PoV and I'm done with this. What I'm really here about is a new book I plan on doing along with my What if? LLFTX as I am currently calling them. I plan on doing a LLFTX Supernatural Crossover. The guy in that one will be Riki as I am a Riki lover all the way, but there will also be the (possibly shirtless) Winchester Boys along with Cas. (Damn they are some hot men) I was just wondering how you guys would feel about that. Don't worry, I will post updates for my other stories as well cuz I don't plan on taking on more than 2. I see people do that and get overwhelmed and no. Not gonna happen. Just let me know if you think it's a good idea. I'm calling it 'A Thief's Hunter' btw. Like comment follow enjoy.


Lost Love (Love Letter From Thief X fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now