"You fùcken bastard!" Dale shouts before tackling me to the ground.

Tris POV

"He was there?" I ask worriedly as Christina tells me that Dale actually showed up to Tobias's apartment.

"Yeah and he looked pissed." She exclaims dramatically before falling back into our lounge chair.

"Even though I hate that bastard, I hope Dale doesn't hurt him too bad." I chuckle and plop down next to her.

"What if your pregnant?" Christina asks out of no where causing my worries to come back.

"I- I don't know what to do." I mutter nervously fidgeting with my fingers.

"Well obviously wait a week or two then take the pregnancy test." She says in a duh tone and I glare at her.

"It's not funny, Chris. I'm married and have a wonderful baby girl. I cannot have a child with another man, especially him." I scowl.

"I know, sorry. I just think it's kind of ironic how you guys dated and even though you broke up, you still have a chance of having his kid." She points out and I sigh.

"I won't have his kid."

"Your going to abort it?" She asks wide eyes.

"Christina! I'm probably not even pregnant!" I exclaim frustrated.

"Okay okay!" She surrenders quickly and I chuckle unhumorously.

"My life is becoming a mess." I groan and I quickly stand up from the chair.

"It's Dale." Christina mutters and I nod before hurriedly walking down the hall.

"Dale, I was worried." I run up and hug him.

I don't ever want to let go.

"Shh. Everything will be fine." He whispers in my ear soothingly.

"No, I made a huge mistake. I'm so sorry. what's going to happen, Dale?" I ask starting to cry.

"Hey, hey. Everything will be the same, don't worry." He assures and I shake my head holding him tighter.

"No. What if I'm p-pregnant?"

"Then I would obviously love the child because he/she would be apart of you." I smile weakly at his reply.

"I love you." I mutter and go to kiss him, but I freeze when I notice a bruise forming on his eye.

"Why the hell do you have a black eye?" I ask suspiciously and he bites his lip.

"Well, I did tell you what I was going to do to that bastard, did I not?" He says smirking and I gasp.

"Dale! What'd you do to him?" I exclaim pushing him away, but he pulls me back.

"Don't worry. I just let him know not to mess with my girl. Now gimme a kiss." He says puckering his lips and I peck them.

"There you go big guy." I chuckle patting his chest and he grins before putting his head on mine.

"I really missed you."

"I missed you to." I reply in honestly as I breathe in his cologne.

"Daddy!" I hear a squeal behind me and I smile.

"Hey Josie bear!" She runs into his arms and hugs him tight.

"I'm happy to see you!" She shouts in his ear and he cringes, but continues to grin.

"I missed you to baby girl. Daddy also has a surprise." Dale tells her while carrying her over into the living room.

"What is it?" She asks excitedly bouncing in his arms.

Dale reaches down in a duffle bag laying on the ground and pulls something out.

"Chocolate!!" Josie exclaims when Dale holds up three of her favorite chocolate bars to her.

"I promised I'd bring some." Dale said hugging her and she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Tanks daddy." I hear her whisper.

"That's adorable!" Christina squeals from across the room and I totally forgot she was here.

"Dale, I want to talk to Christina for a few minutes. Can you keep Josie with you?"

"Of course. I'd love to spend time with my baby."He coos tickling her and she giggles.

I lead Christina to the backyard and we sit on a porch swing.

"What's up?" She asks curiously.

"I just wanted to talk about you. I mean we haven't seen each other in years and since I forgave you we have only talked about how I've been doing." I explain pushing my legs of the ground to let the swing sway back and forth.

"Well honestly, nothing much has happened with me. Will and I moved into a single story home and well I'm obviously knocked up." She chuckles rubbing her swollen belly.

"Oh my gosh I forgot. How far along are you? What gender?" I exclaim excitedly.

"I'm about 7 months along, almost 8, she's going to be a girl." She states proudly and I gape.

"Dang girl, you are small for 7 months!! What's her name going to be?"

"Jessebelle, Jesse for short." She replies and I grin.

"That's so cute!!"

"I know. Will is basically freaking out about being a dad still. He has redone her nursery at least three times now." Christina giggles and I laugh along with her.

"Man, he needs to come over soon. I haven't seen him in forever." I sigh.

"Omg, I just got a great idea! We should reunite the whole gang here!! That'd be so much fun." She squeals.

"Yes we have to! We should try and contact them and have them all come over in a couple weeks!" I exclaim and we hug each other excitedly.

"Let's do it."

(Christina above in the picture.)

Hey guys!! So I guess the hang is destined to be reunited!! How exciting is that?

This was a filler chapter and hopefully there will be more going on in the next ;).

Everyone should try and make a trailer for either the first book or the second!!

I will post any sent to me at faith_hester@aol.com on the chapters!!

Comment, vote, follow :)!!

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