Tiffany was right

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I was on my way to Sawyer's house when Tiffany came and stopped me."Um please move."I said pushing her out of my way.Ever since earlier I have hated Tiffany even more."Um excuse me!I was just on my way to see Sawyer."Tiffany said glaring at me.I was shocked."What do you mean you were looking for Sawyer?"I asked.Tiffany got closer to me and also clenched her fists."Don't you see Sawyer wants me not you.Stay away from him."Tiffany said clenching her teeth.She sounded as she was trying to make me stay away from him."Why Tiffany?He's with me."I said walking past her."Oh yeah well yesterday he was talking about you.And he said he was about to break up with you.Only because your not a good enough person!"Tiffany yelled at me."SO NOT TRUE TIFFANY SO STAY AWAY FROM ME!"I yelled.Tiffany looked frightened."WELL WHEN YOUR WRONG DON'T COME CRYING TO ME!"Tiffany screamed.But when I went to Sawyer's house Rachel was KISSING HIM!Tiffany was right.I'm leaving to go to California.I'm done.

Sorry for short chap.Next one will be more.So hope you enjoyed.

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