Sawyer coming back

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It was the day Sawyer came back from his trip from Boston.I was watching Hope play with my dad, Dr.Clay.Hope was the new dolphin that came in to Clear Water Marien Hospital.Winter is another dolphin that was saved by my dad Dr.clay and also the rest of out squad.Hope just loves water getting in her face.After Panama died we only had Mandy and Winter.But then we had to let Mandy go because it turned out that she didn't need to stay.She was a healthy living creature.We got Hope the night we were celebrating Sawyer going to Boston.My dad got a call from another Aquarium which Phoebe got.Then she told us.My dad was the super star.Just looking back at those memories just makes me wanna cry.Of course I would but I don't really feel like it.I have my brain concentrating on Sawyer.I'm really excited to see him after three months.Things just weren't the same without him.Just then my dad walked in."Hazel ready to go we need to be at the boarding dock by 7:00 AM."He said.It was already 6:45.I guess my dad is also really excited.I mean he would be because all the times Sawyer has been here he has been very proud of the work he accomplished."Yeah I'm ready!"I shouted.I then covered my mouth and started laughing."Sorry Dad I'm really excited for that Sawyer is finally coming back!"I said really laughing."I can tell your excited.I am too Hazel."Dr.Clay said.I knew he was excited."Hey dad can I bring some Popsicles in case we get hot from the heat?"I asked.Yesterday I was trying to decide what to make for Sawyer's welcome back party.I remembered Sawyer liked my lemon popsicles.I spent about 3 hours making enough for everyone.My dad made Chocolate cake with vanilla icing.On the icing it said Welcome back Sawyer on it.As we made it to the boarding dock I saw a big ship pull up.I also saw a bunch of people show up too.I was searching for Sawyer's mom so that we knew where to go.I didn't see her but I say Kyle Sawyer's cousin."Kyle over here!"I shouted.Kyle then looked over at me and smiled."Hey Hazel."He said."Is this the right place?"I asked concerned."why yes it is"Kyle said."Kyle my good man."Dr.Clay said."Nice to see someone I know."Kyle said.They both shook hands greeting each other.All the students that got off I finally saw Sawyer."Sawyer!"I called out.Sawyer looked over at me and gave me a big smile."Hazel!"He yelled out.A few students took advantage of him but Sawyer didn't mind.After Sawyer got done talking to Kyle he ran over to me and gave me a big hug."Great to see ya pal."I said still hugging him."Great to see you to."Sawyer said pulling back from our hug."So how was it?"I asked excited to hear the news."Great it was great."Sawyer said smiling."C'mon Sawyer we have a whole bunch of food under the vanity.Before you reach the dock there were vanities set up.Under neath were picnic tables.I was just so excited until I saw another student come up to Sawyer and asked,"Hey Sawyer my family and I are having a picnic wanna join?"She asked.My face turned kinda red.Since when would Sawyer wanna dump our party to go to hers."C'mon Sawyer everyone's waiting."I said.Sawyer looked at me and then looked back at the girl."Well Tiffany wanna come to our party."Sawyer said."My jaw almost dropped.I can't believe Sawyer is bringing this chic with him to our Celebration.I was so mad I just left the two to talk.Thats it if he wants her to come then let her but I'm not going anywhere near her.I'm not talking to Sawyer for the rest of the day.
Looks like Hazel is jealous of Sawyer and his new friend.Hope you enjoyed.I will update chapter 2 maybe later today if I have time.Until then this is chapter 1.

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