My Heart is Healed

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{Okay to be clear ones again Like I said before since Hazel came back it's gonna be here POV till I make it Sawyer's}
"What do you mean?"We all asked.I can't believer Sawyer has broken legs broken arms.I can't believe it.Well actually I can but I still am mind blown.The doctor said to let him rest.I drove back to home.I felt more comfortable knowing Sawyer was gonna be okay.But what bugged me the most was that Sawyer will be on a wheel chair.How I feel bad but hey it's what happens.But I just thought.This was all my fault.I-I-I'm the one who made him crash.Just because I tried calling him got Sawyer in a accident.I feel more worse.Since I'm home schooled I stayed at the aquarium.I decided to hit some time.I rode my bike down to the library for some books.When I got there I looked through almost everyone.It's been an hour.I finally got a book I wanted.(Journey to another Sea.)Sounds interesting.Only difference is that it's one more above what I read.Ah it's okay.It doesn't matter.I checked it out and rode my bike back aquarium.I started reading.So far it's good.But could use more detail.I took a break and sat on the dock.I wondered how Sawyer was?It's been 2 days.
{Note:I didn't put it was two days but we'll stick with it.}
I decided to ride my bike to the hospital.Just in case.The doctors were happy to see me."Hello."Doc said.I call the doctors Doc.The nurse let me in.I was very shocked to see what had happened.Broken leg,Arm and very brused up face.I sat next to Sawyer."You okay?"I asked.Sawyer opened his eyes."Hey."He said in a weak voice."You've been out for two days you got a lot of sleep."I said.Sawyer smiled."You've gotten prettier."Sawyer said.I smiled and planted a nice kiss on his forehead.I looked at the time."Sawyer I have to go but I hope you feel better."I said getting up.I raced to my bike and ride really fast back home.I talked to my dad.We was happy.I read some more of my book.Before I knew it it was 9:00.Time for me to get some sleep.As I was about to drift off I thought of Sawyer.When he healed.I tried my best to picture an image but it was hard.I thought about this.If Sawyer's heart is heard then mine is too.

Dolphin Tale 3:Hazel and sawyerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora