Chapter Twenty Seven - Friend or Foe?

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Stacy's POV

It's my eighteenth birthday in two weeks. I cannot help but feel excited, a lot of unexpected things has happened to me this year. I am now a completely grown woman. I had the most unforgettable experience with Marcus...and I am hoping we will stay the same forever.

I had finished cleaning for the last time my Aunt Emma's house. They should be here in two hours. Marcus already left to go golfing with his friend Harry. As for Bridget, we planned on going shopping later on..we are ok again..that's what friends are for, we quarrel and make up all the time but we never get tired of each other. Maybe we hadn't experienced a big blow up of misunderstanding but when we do, I couldn't tell if we will ever be on speaking terms again, I guess it always depends on the situation. My phone buzzed as I place the last rose on the vase in the living room side table.

"Stacy, I will be there in five...we can head out for lunch and then come back just in time for your Aunt's arrival. Sounds good?" I sighed.. I am tired and not up for a quick lunch out, but I can do shopping later on.

"Stacy, can we just order in? I want to save my energy for shopping later on." I can hear her pause on the other line. I noticed she is really making up for her mistakes.

"Alrighty, see you soon!" I hang up and lay casually on the sofa. I decided to call Marcus..since I miss him already.

"Hi! I miss you!" I blurted. "Hey babe, what's up? Everything ok?" I can hear Harry talk on the other side.

"Yeah, yeah, have fun.." I shyly remarked. He noticed it at the tone of my voice. "Can you meet with me later at seven at Hyde Park? I think I cannot come there later because your Aunt will be there by that time right?" Ugh! I forgot about that. It's true, no more freedom..

"Yeah! Ok see you later." I was about to hang up when he said something... "Babe, I miss you you." I melted right there and then. "I love you too."

As soon as I hang up the doorbell rang. It was Bridget.. We ate pizza as soon as it came in. We decided to hang out for a bit and watched tv while waiting for my aunt. We fell asleep at the couch as we were watching tv. And the doorbell woke us up.

"I'll get it!" Bridget stood up and checked the front door. I followed right behind her. It was My Aunt And Uncle...with a girl behind them? Wow! She's pretty, I didn't expect a visitor... My aunt hugged me as soon as she saw me at the door. My uncle was carrying three luggages. Bri and I looked at each other. The look that says She's staying here? After everything was settled down. Uncle Victor hugged me and introduced us to the new girl.

"Stacy, Bridget meet Olivia Moss, she's our god daughter she lives in Paris, and she will be staying with us for a vacation for a good three months, depends on her. He winked at her. And she smiled extending a hand.

We shook hands and I instantly felt intimidated by her beauty. She looks like a runway model when she started walking up the stairs.

"I'm sure you guys can be a girl squad to Olivia." Aunt Emma joked. What the heck does she mean girl squad? We will be followers? No way! Maybe she saw the way we were gawking at her.

I must admit she is over the top in fashion sense I am sure she will be the talk of the town. I know I shouldn't feel insecure but I have a very bad feeling being friends with her. I think I have no choice but to stay nice since she's their God daughter.

"Olivia, Stacy will show you to your room, I will just unack and make us something to eat. She stared at me from head to toe.

" Follow." I stated as Bridget snickered behind me.

She sat on the bed and observe the room. "I hope we can be good friends Stacy. If you are free today I'd like for you to show me around?" she was checking on her fingernails like a boss.

Bridget decided to go downstairs and help Aunt Emma in the kitchen as I am stuck with the diva. Joy!

"Olivia, if you don't mind me asking why are you here?" she raised an eyebrow, stood up and walk straight to the window as she twirl her long curly blonde hair.

"I am on vacation like your aunt and uncle said." My aunt and uncle? wow! such respect...

"I will do photoshoots downtown and no worries Auntie Emma as she would like me to call her but I prefer fairy godmother, she will accompany me there, if you want to ask, yes...I am a model.." I was dumbfounded, so My Aunt will be her chaperone?

I am not liking this set up, but in three month time she's out of our nose, so I guess I'll just suck it all up.

"Oh and if you don't mind I would like to rest for now." wow! the attitude is starting to get on my nerves.

"Gladly." I exited as swiftly as I can and my phone buzzed on my pocket.
It was from Marcus, Crap! I totally forgot we have to meet.

I went downstairs and pulled Bri on the hallway while my Aunt is not looking. I showed her the text and she blinked at me motioning something I can barely understand then she went to the kitchen and I followed her.

"Aunt Emma, if you don't mind, Stacy and I needs to go shopping." why shopping? I thought. Aunt Emma faced us smiling saying, "sure be home before ten." phew! that was easy. I grabbed Bri's hand and went straight out the front door.

I cannot wait to rant my feelings against Olivia. As soon as we were outside I started relaying to her about the attitude and that I feel uncomfortable with our new guest of honor. I sense trouble and so does Bridget....

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