Chapter One - Life as a Student

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Life is simple when you're a student. You go in class, be the best as you can be, listen to teachers, homework, projects, thesis, play a part on a stage play, join extra curricular activities to get bonus points, it aids to become popular.

There are two kinds of popularity in our school. One, a group of sluts, who spend their days putting on make up, being a ramp model in the entire school, but when it comes to classroom activities or grading sheets, a big failure. They are mostly there for the boys.

The second kind are the nerds, emo type of person who keep to themselves you can almost bump on them everyday they won't even notice or they have their own world, because they are always too busy brainstorming.

I am in between, I do not actually consider myself popular, I've got the looks, the curves and definitely the brains. They say being a member of the math club is social suicide, but not to me. Maybe I will be an accountant someday. A dream that my parents cannot witness unfortunately, I became an orphan at the age of ten. They died at a plane crash on their way to a business trip to Cuba. From that time on my dad's older brother by two years, Victor Walsh took me in their home as their own daughter, since Aunt Emma cannot produce their own due to ovarian cysts. They never bothered to adopt, they were only married for five years when they got me. Having two business minded parents and being an only child I shifted my hobby in studying instead of wasting time on drugs, parties and smoking like any teenager my age will do. Something my parents can mention that they were proud of me. They put in so little time for me, yet I have strived to attain good grades on my own. I couldn't really say they never gave time for me when they were still alive, they were always present in any school activities I had, I miss them, especially my mom.

Looking at her photograph on my bedside table, I noticed as I grew older, I am starting to look exactly like her. A sexy figure, long wavy brunette hair, hazelnut eyes. My dad has brown curly hair as well. I miss them so much. Being sixteen, I had figured I really need my mom, her guidance, dress styles and most of all I had missed sharing stories with her with school and boys. I'm glad I have Aunt Emma,but it's still a big difference if it's your own.

Yawning and stretching, I started to get ready for school. Yup! It's Monday again Ladies and I went to my closet and took my uniform, yes we do have a school uniform since it's a private school, for boys and girls,
white polo shirt, dark green skirt with pleats above the knee and dark green and black striped neck tie. I grabbed my cream leather messenger bag let my hair down and put on my black flats and shoved my sunglasses on top of my forehead as I headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Slept well?" Uncle Victor glanced at me as he poured his coffee in his big Sons of Anarchy mug. That mug literally screams to me "this will be a big day!" I nodded at him and smiled sat across Aunt Emma who handed me a plate of pancakes, I took two since they were thin and small. I got a handful of strawberries and placed them neatly on top of my pancakes, made a swirl of whip cream and stroked a snake shape for my syrup.

"Would you like me to pick you up later on after school? I am only half day today due to my doctor's appointment in the afternoon." Aunts Emma paused as she waited for me to finish chewing my food.

"Yeah sure! I will see you at 5 at the gymnasium parking lot?" I looked at her as I started placing the dishes on the sink.

"Leave it, you're gonna be late." I went swiftly to the powder room and brushed my teeth and Aunt Emma stood up and went to the door to bid us goodbye. Uncle Victor opened the passenger door for me, I hurriedly buckled myself in I only have twenty minutes before first period starts.

As soon as we reached the school parking lot I hurried to grab my stuff and waved to my uncle as I headed for first period history class.

"Ok. Pop quiz everyone, take out your pens, Luis please help me pass the sheets." Says Mrs. Forster. Luis is the top one in class and you can say almost every teacher's pet other than the fact that he's seated exactly in front of the teacher.

"Ugh!" Most of us complained. It's first day of the week, first period and yet exam. Luckily for me I studied last night hoping all of it will turn out in the exam.

"Stacy, pass me your answers when you're done." Michael whispered behind me.

"Nope, doesn't work that way." I grimaced as I waited for the answering sheets.

"Boo! You're boring!" He blurted annoyed.

After Forty minutes of ether exam we passed our papers forward just in time when the bell rang.

"Hey Stace, wait up!" Michael yelled behind me as I continued my usual
pace towards my locker.

"What do you want?" I answered back while continuing to shove my binders and books replacing for the next subject.

"Since you didn't let me copy your answers might as well say yes to this offer." He mockingly smiled at me.

"Okay, let's hear it." I leaned on my locker and stared at him. He's not that bad, he has looks, curly brown hair like my uncle's and fair complexion. He's just cocky in class most of the time.

"I know you and Julius had been off for a while now would you give me a chance to court you?" He pleaded.

"Huh? You're being funny, you wanted to copy my exam, called me boring by the way now wants a piece of me? You must be out of your mind!" I turned my back to him annoyed and without listening on what he has to say I doubled my pace as I don't want to be late for second period. I really have to find Bridget.

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