Chapter Nineteen - Conflict

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Stacy's POV

I hadn't given it much thought as to why I didn't object on what we were doing just a few minutes ago, Stacy what the heck got into you?-almost losing your virginity right there-my inner sense hit me hard on the back of my head. Yes, I know, because my boyfriend is drop dead gorgeous, makes sense doesn't it?

I have always dreamed that when I am ready to do it, it has to be someplace special...of course with someone special as well, and I think I found him, even though it's just a few days we've been together.

I took a cab and when upon reaching my place, Aunt Emma barely noticed that I arrived as she was busy packing stuff for their trip...I went straight to the kitchen and looked for something to eat, I grabbed a tuna sandwich and prepared peach juice and went straight in my room, passing by Aunt Emma's room since the door was open I waved and she was on the phone probably with my uncle, she just smiled and continued packing. I believe it's tomorrow afternoon their flight.

As soon as I closed the door to my room I grabbed the phone and texted my love..
Hey pretty boy, I'm home...

I was surprised when he texted back in less than two seconds..
Good to know..I'll call you you.

I guess the headmaster is still in there. I can still smell his scent like he's beside me..I know I'm being delusional...but God help me, I love him so much!

There was a knock on my door when I opened it, I was surprised to see Bridget.
"Hey, how did you get it in? I barely hear the door bell."

"Your Aunt let me in." Shoving me inside my own room, "We need to talk!" Oh gosh! This must be serious. I sat on my bed as she did, staring and waiting for me to speak.

"So, are you not gonna tell me what happened this afternoon in class? Don't tell me you have two boyfriends?" I was shocked by her accusation.

"How dare you barged in my room and accused me of something like that!" I stood up fuming. "You can leave now Bri, I don't want to talk to you. I am not obliged to explain anything to you."

"I'm sorry, I just thought Mr. Bingley should be enough for you."

"What the hell Bri, you're supposed to be my best friend, are you turning into some of those popular/brainless classmates that we have?" I think she's jealous of my situation, knowing she adores Michael and yet I have Marcus. Now I am starting to think she liked my boyfriend as well. I was hurt by what she was showing me...

"Just tell me."

"Tell you what? What makes you think I will still trust you after accusing me of that. You can have Michael for all I care, he's the one insisting himself on me."

"I'm sorry." She said as I opened the door to my room. "I need you to leave." I don't care now if she's gonna tell whoever about me and Marcus, it doesn't matter now, all that matters is that we are together, and no other bitch can break us apart.

I felt like I just broke up with my best friend. I landed on my pillow sobbing quietly, I cannot believe she would say those things to me.

Marcus' POV

The headmaster just left my condo. I immediately dialed Stacy's number.. After three rings she answered.

"Hello? Babe?" I didn't hear her just a very low voice that sounds like she's crying.

"Stacy, are you crying? What's wrong?"

"It's Bridget, she came here accusing me of being a slut, she thinks I am a two timer between you and Michael." After having said that, I realized I haven't informed Marcus that I already told Bridget about us.

"What?!" He almost screamed at the other end of the line. "I need to see you, right now, I don't care what time, just find a way to get out of that house, I will wait for you at Jimmy's Diner, I'm leaving now, take care..see you." He hung up leaving me shocked and speechless.

Stacy's POV

I went to peak at Aunt Emma's room and found her in her walk in closet.
"Aunt Emma I have to meet Jessica, I need to borrow a book from her and I need it for my assignment." Luckily she was preoccupied and nodded at me, I was out of the door in minutes.

It's a bit chilly out, I was wearing black fitted pants and red v neck sleeveless tank top with just a thin black hoodie that has a zipper in the middle. Wearing my low cut red converse shoe and a small black tote which has all my stuff. I started walking two blocks ahead to get on the bus.

I arrived at Jimmy's diner, before I even go inside my phone rang, it was Marcus.

"Babe, don't go inside I just got here, look on your right you can see my car across the street." I did as I was told, and crossed the street to get in his car.

He kissed me on the lips as soon as I sat down. Oh his pillow soft lips...he blushed at my reaction after the kiss, gosh I was being too obvious..

"What's going on? You told Bridget about us?"

"I'm sorry, she didn't stop unless I admit it, so I told her yesterday. Are you mad at me?"

He was looking down thinking, while he holds my right hand. Did I disappoint him?

"I'm not mad babe, just worried, it's suppose to be our secret remember?"

Okay. Now I feel guilty. I don't know what to say. "You told me over the phone that she accused you of being a two timer?"

"Yeah. She has a huge crush on Michael, and she just found out yesterday that we are an item, I think she likes you as well, that's why when Michael pulled that show this afternoon in class which made you mad, Bri thinks I am keeping another secret from her." I explained and sighed. Tears started falling down my cheeks. Marcus noticed it and wiped them away.

"Babe, don't cry, it's not worth it, as long as your conscience is clear you have nothing to worry about." He's wrong... now things got more complicated.

"No. Marcus you have to know that you're my one and only. I don't like that Michael guy, and the way he threatens me he just proves he's a spoiled brat who thinks he can get whatever he wants."

"I believe you Stacy." I looked at my watch I realized I have to get going.

"I have to go. My aunt might worry." He looked at his watch and frowned.

"No, not yet. Stay with me for a little bit more.."

"Why did the headmaster went to see you?" He was surprised by my question. He looked at me straight in the eye. I realized he was nervous as he started explaining..."He is my godfather, I did him a favor to teach here to replace your gym teacher which had an accident, since I just graduated I realized why not. The main reason why I got the condo, it was a kind gesture from him because I said yes." Now everything makes sense now.

"He just dropped by to see how I was doing, before he heads home, and yeah he asked why I have bruises on my knuckles, I just made an excuse that I was fixing stuff inside the gym storage and some equipment fell on my hands."

"What did he say?"

"He seemed convinced, although he asked me to drop by the clinic at school as soon as possible tomorrow to get it checked."

"This is my fault, if I hadn't told you, you wouldn't bruise yourself." He shook his head and touched my cheeks.

"Baby, you're so sweet, it was never your fault, I did this, I punched the wall, he was lucky he's out of my sight because he is my target." His smile faded at the memory..

I keep on looking at my watch and he seemed uncomfortable by what I was doing that he offered to give me a lift. I don't know how we can work things out now with Michael and Bri's issue, just thinking this too shall pass...

I do not want to go, if it was up to me I want to stay with him for a long time..I suddenly realized I can be with him as soon as my aunt leaves for a vacation. Bri doesn't know...she doesn't have to know...I just gonna make up a I'm excited!

I kissed my gorgeous boyfriend and got off the car as I bid him goodbye..

Mr. BingleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon