Chapter 13: the mission

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Laurrane POV

I woke up in my room, the sun shined through my window. 2 days had passed and i had to take on the teens. I had to make sure i looked normal, so guessed a fan was the best ( i mean idol meets fan, im not gonna a a mini windmill!!!) i started watching some of there videos, and got a pen and paper ready, i watcht the last vlog and saw from the background they where in the local hospital. I packed my bag and headed off to the bus stop. I started thinking about what i was getting myself into, but there really wasnt a way out... So the bus came and i sillently got on, then i waited for the hospital stop. I got some strainge looks from people because it was a regular school day at lunch, i should be in school,when i relised that i knew i had to act, i acted like i was late and started trippeling my legs, so nobody would ask me questions. We got to the hospital stop and i ran to the hospital. Ready for my plan to go into action...

Lisa POV

I woke up in my hospitalbed. Rex was laying in a chair snoring pretty loud. It made me giggle a bit. Then the nurse walked in and handed me my breakfast, i gave her a weak smile because i was pretty tired. I ate peacefully not waking up Rex. I was allowed to leave with my friends tomorrow! And i was too exited to sleep last night. So i slept 2 hours. My daydream was interuppted by Rex slowely waking up. He yawnd really loud and looked at me " morning love" he said in a Britisch accent. " morning" i saod giggeling and pourring a cup of orange juice and handed it to him. He quikelly drank it and i concluded that he was pretty thisty. I started cracking up when he accedentlly took a bite of the glass and bot off a complete bot. " its not funny! O could have chocked!!! Oh and um, food?" He said in a baby voice. So i gave Rex some food. After that i took my laptop and answerd some fanmail. Lots of it where the traditional ' get wel soon :)' messeges and drawings. It was amazing to see how people cared. After checking the fanmain i decided to play some minecraft i played 5 hungergames maps and skins of all kind punchinh me to get my attantion. And the chat going insane with " your awsome". It made me feel very happy, and good about what i do. Then the nurse walked in " i have a big dan of you here!" She said and a girl with big nerdy glasses walked in and squeeld. Yet i could tell ots wasnt a real one. And i can know! " il leave you two here!" The nurse said and left. " im so sorry!!!" She said and started crying. But why was she crying? What was going on?!?!?! Then she grabbed out a knife and pointed it at me. I started screaming. " pleas dont. They will kill me if i dont..." she said then the nurse walked in and got her arrested. I felt a bit bad for her and confused. who was gonna huet her. What was gonna happen. Then Rex walked in coming back from the bathroom. He saw my face and asked " what did i miss???"

Heyya pipsqueeks!!!

This chapter took me 4 days to write 4 DAYS!!!!! I am at a tenniscamp and am busy the entire time. My rightarm is killing me too and its my B-day tomorrow. So i will TRY to write one tomorrow! But DONT kill me if i cant!!!



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