Chapter 10: It will be ok...

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I woke up and turned around, to my suprise i woke up next to Lisa. I was a bit starteld when i tried to recall what happend last night, i looked around an dwe where in a hospital. Then it all came back last night i was very uncomftereble in that chair and decided it would not hurt to go and lie beside Lisa. So i guess thats what i did. I slowely got up trying not to wake her. And i walked over to the info ally " excuse me miss, when would Lisa from room 124 be arlight to leave?" I asked " her and her friends may leave 2 says from now" she answerd looking at the paper " "thank you "i answerd and i made my way to the vending machine. I know how mutch Lisa loves orange juice, so i wanted to get her some. I payed for the orange juice and walked back to the room " your here, where did you go?" I heard Lisas voice say " you get to leave in 2 days with Lizzy,Megan and Rina and i got you what you wanted" " ORANGE JUICE O MY GOD THANK YOU !!!!" She came and hugged me " your very welcome princess... " i answerd she blushed and kissed me, then she drank her orange juice and kindly hugged me...

??? POV

I sat on my bed, thinking... What should i do? I walked to the mirror and looked at my nerdy classes and my shirt that said I mustache you a question, but il shave it for later... I sight loud. Just then my phone went off " Where are you?!? You lazy snail hurry up " " i forgot il be there just gove me a min-" " i dont care! Just get your but over here, do you want to stay respected?" " yes i just forg-" " just hurry up!" Britt screamed and ended the call. I took my bag and left a note for my parents
Hello mom and dad

Im out with sone friends and
will be home later tonight
See ya!

I put the note on the table and headed over to the jail where we where meeting, i saw Britt with an impatient look on her face " there you are little nerd! Hurry up" as soon that they relise where out of puberty jail where done! Anyway, you are in charge of killing these people" Casey passed me a foto af five teens, four girls and one boys " we tried to stab them, but i think they survived" " and IF youi fial, you will be one of the people that will get stabbed" i gulped " ok i will" " i hope so.." Casey finished as we heard an alarm from the policestation go off " Go..." They screamed in unison i sprinted off the back way, luckely the police dont see me i hid under a sewer trying to catch my breath i pulled the foto outof my backpack, i looked at the group of teens, they looked so happy together. I dint want to break there heart, but if i dint they would stab me too. Same goes if i told my parents. I decided to head home and go to sleep, i probebly just needed some rest.

Heyya pipsqueeks!!! :3

so anyway once again sorry for not updating lately but i will, i will. I just need more ideas !!!!and there not mutch more to say so...

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