Chapter 6: Help no Harm.

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Lisa POV

As soon as i was cooled down, we went to look for Lizzy. Just when we started walking around,a question just would not leave alone, why did she do this. Why would she never tell me,would she have a good reason? I really wanted to know... Wait, i know Liz very well. She would do anything to protect her friends, i started to feel bad about my reaction and started sobbing. Rex came and rubbed my back "its ok,we will find her and you can apoligese" he said as if he could my mind. He is really the best...

Lizzy POV

I was still really scared that Lisa and the rest would be mad at me. But mostly Lisa,she was my bestie and i to,and we told eathother everything. What if i broke that trust... I heard footsteps coming my way. Somebody swung me around,it was Rina,she hugged me. "Dont ever run away from us again",she said hugging me. "im so sorry" i sobbing into her converse shirt. "Its ok,Lisa feels bad about her reaction too,come with us. You can appolagese and we can play around the park with the time left" she pulled away and she smiled at me. Megan came and hugged me too,lets go! I followed Rina and Megan, when we got there there faces turned pale and they started laughing, they pointed at me and then back to where they where,i followed them the see the schokking sight of Rex and Lisa making out behind a wall. "Guys,do you mind?!? There ar kids running around!" I said with a funny voice, they pulled apart and started blushing like crazy. "So you guys ar together then? " Megan said (Megan finaly said something in the story,its magical! :3) they both nodded in agreement, "ok if you two want you can get a room but where gonna ride some stuff, we only have 2 hours left" Rina said breaking the silence and tapping her silver watch" they blushed even more and then followed us to go on some rides.

Heyya pipsqueeks

My fingers hurt soooooo mutch.but when im finaly done with a chapter,im proud! I dunno when il have chapter 7 out but it might be longest wensday (sorry guys) but i- *reads shets book of story's that has the shetch of this book* ooooohhhhh the next chapter is going to be dramatic and exiting chapter 4 love by lisa has the answer! So go buy some skittles,fly to the rainbow and sit with unicorns while i write the next chapter (and my friends call me wierd)
Aaaaaaaaauuuwww there ar needels going though i fingers!


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