Chapter 5:Lizzy tells...

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Lizzy POV

I am soooo exited for our school trip! We where going to Six Flages,maybe that would be a great time to tell them about my channel on youtube,you are all probebly wondering why i dont wanna tell right? Well... Let me explaine. I am really afraid to have fake friends because i have a channel and known on the internet,i met Megan,Rina and Lisa. It would be an horrible shame if i lost them to fake friends. Well,its was time for the trip! I packed a apple,camera(for vlogs,but i just never leave home without one!you never know,an meteriorite could hit today! ;3)bottle of water and headphones to listen to music on the bus."see ya tonight mom!""bye sweetie!" I walked out the door and walked to the bus stop.

Lisa POV

I got on the bus, i was still really scared from the dream last night, i still i egnored Casey and Britt, Rex came to sit beside me and i blushed and looked away,i still din't know what to say. So i said nothing.

*time skip to after the bus ride*

I got off the bus and Rex came to stand very close beside be and but something in my pocket,i wiated a while and then pulled out the note,the pink colour gave me a good idea where this was going...

Dearest Lisa
I am here to apolegise what
Happend yesterday but the
Kiss just felt so right,and if you
Hate me,just know
I love you so mutch...

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTT?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? HE LOVED.....ME?!?!?" People started staring at me strangely i realised i probebly just yelled that out loud, i smiled and walked off to school

*time skip untill there at Six Flags because i love Skittels :3*
Lizzy POV
I got off the bus, something has been bugging me that my secret of youtube would be exposed today. And it did a group of kids came running up to me "Are you Lizzyplaysalldagames773?(random name! XD) i looked behind me and saw Lisa raising an eyebrowl at me,I COULD NOT POSSEBELY LIE TO SOOO ADORABLE CHILDRENS FACES THAT WATCH MY VIDS?!?!? "Y-y--yes i am..." I heard gasping behind me and when i turned around Lisa's eyes filled with water "listen i can explain!" I said making eyecontact with Lisa "FORGET IT LIZZY,YOU LIED TO ME!i need a moment to You know Calm down and get away from this LIER!" Lisa stormed off,everyone following here.Thank goodness the teacher went for coffee,she would have just made this worse... I gave the kids the autograph and appolegised for that argument. I fell to my knees i shame... In the middle of Six Flags alone... I ran away from where they last saw me,so they wound't come back,into nothingness...

Heyya pipsqueeks!!!

Dum dum daaaaaahhh!!!! First open ending,ok im gonna go to bed now because its 11:12 PM il try to have the next chapter out tomorrow,ALSO SMALL ANNOUCEMENT my exames finisch thuesday and im going to be starting a book about my fav animals (another fanfic) PANDA'S so watch out for that one soon.



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