Trey twisted around to look at her. “I don’t think he’s listening to anybody right now.”

“He isn’t?” A loud, booming voice said from the edge of the woods.

Trey followed the sound of the voice and spotted the subject of the conversation standing there with five or six men.


“How did I find you?” Avery interrupted. “I’m a very seasoned officer of the law, and as such I can smell trouble a mile away. Now get off of that man” Avery pointed a gun at Trey’s head.

“You’re not sticking him with another crime, Avery!” Millie yelled. “He’s hanging tomorrow! What more do you want?”

“He nearly killed me!” Avery argued.

“He had very good reason to! You’re the most annoying man ever known!” Millie stomped her foot, looking more like an angry teenager than an infuriated woman.

“You’re out of line, Miss Williams…er, Mrs. Shannon” Avery said.

“Let him be, Millie. I’ll go with him” Trey said, standing.

Wes tried to stand, but Trey pushed him back down with his boot. Wes fell back down into the mud with a grunt.

“Wes is the man who killed my father, I heard him admit it myself” Millie said, ignoring him.

Trey shook his head. “Woman! Will you ever listen to me?”

“I’m not letting you hang, Mr. Shannon!” Millie said. “You can sit around and wait for a miracle, but I’m gonna do something about it!”

“You’ll get thrown in jail like me, and then where will Quinn be? I’m not gonna trust Mariah to raise him” Trey said.

Millie clenched her fists and tightened her jaw. “But…”

“But nothing. I have to go” Trey scowled down at Wes and unbuckled his gun belt.

“Please, Sheriff. You’ve got to do something” Millie pleaded.

“Will another trial make you feel better?” Avery asked.

“Yes, I guess so” Millie said.

“I’ll see what I can do” Avery turned to his men. “Conner, get the one on the ground. Burton, you take the one over there.”

Jed walked up and handed over his gun. “Guess it’d be useless to fight it.”

Avery put handcuffs on Trey as one of his men brought Graceful from the woods. Millie felt tears sting behind her eyes as he mounted his horse. Maybe now the jury wouldn’t convict him of murder. At the moment, the only thing she wanted to see was Wes swinging from the end of a rope.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

The verse rang in her ear over and over. Why hadn’t she remembered that verse months ago? Why was she constantly wanting to see revenge for her father’s death when it wasn’t her place to give it? She needed to have a serious talk with her pastor when she arrived back in town.


“What brings you here, Miss Williams?” Pastor Harper sat down beside Millie on the pew that she sat on toward the back of the little church.

“I need to speak with you” Millie said.

“I’ve got time” Pastor Harper said.

Millie sighed. “Guess you heard about the man they have in the town jail.”

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