Once I was in the basement, I switched the tv on and plopped myself on the black leather sectional. With The Simpsons playing on a low volume, I allowed my eyelids to droop. Shortly, I was in a peaceful sleep. 


 Faint sounds of the doorbell pulled me of my slumber. I rubbed my drowsy eyes as I groggily got up and walked back up the stairs. 

Yawning, I opened the door to see two familiar police officers standing before me. Officer Reeve, a short stubby middle aged man. On the left stood Officer Springs, a tall lean young man. 

"W-whats going on, did you find anything?"I rubbed my eyes again, still fatigued.

Officer Springs took off his police visor, "Are your parents home?"

"No it's just me. What'd you guys find?" I grew curious.

Officer Reeve let out an exasperated sigh. "Blair we've questioned everyone we could and did all our research. Nothing adds up. We've decided to . . . " He paused.

"Decided to what?!" 

"We're ending our investigation," Officer Springs finished. 

"You're what?" I growled. 

"Blair, it's been over three months and we've made no progress. It's mostly likely that she's . . . ," He gulped uncomfortably. "Deceased."

My heart instantly plummeted into my stomach at his words. My breath hitched, my hand cupping over my mouth.

"No. No no no no," I mumbled. I cupped a hand over my mouth as hot tears streamed down my cheeks. 

"We're terribly sorry Blair, we send you our condolences. Have a good night," Officer Springs said with sincerity. 

I closed the door softly, in a trance. My mind was working frantically to register what just happened. I slowly got down on my knees and crawled into the nearby corner. I pulled at the roots of my hair, my body heaving and tears sliding down my cheeks faster. 

An ear splitting scream escaped my lips.

I screamed mostly at myself and my behavior towards her. All the terrible things I said to her. Now she's gone for good and I couldn't take any of it back.

I wanted to crawl into a rut and never see the daylight again. My heart felt heavy and I couldn't control my choppy breaths.   

I got up and ran to the kitchen, snatching the slim black house phone off the hook.

My thumb moved quickly, reciting the number of Taylor Enterprises in my mind. I paced around the kitchen waiting for an answer.

"Taylor Enterprises, how may I help you?" A perky woman picked up.

"I-I need to speak with Robert Taylor please," My voice was hoarse and held urgency. 

She paused for a few seconds, "I'm sorry but Mr. Taylor isn't taking any personal calls right now. You'll have to try la-"

I pressed my lips against the speaker, making sure she heard every word, "This is Blair Taylor - his daughter. Do it now or I swear I'll come down there myself!"

"I-I'm sorry let me transfer you now," She stammered. A few rings rung before my dad's voice came through the line.


I instantly began rambling what happened, and I knew my words probably came across as unfathomable.

"Sweet pea slow down, I cant understand you."

"Daddy she's dead! The police just came," I sobbed. 

I heard shuffling through the line. "I'm coming home now," He said hurriedly.



"It's reported that 17 year old Blake Taylor, has been pronounced dead after a three month investigation. The police predict that it was most likely an abduction, but are yet to find the culprit who committed the crime. The case is very strange as to there's limited evidence, investigators say. Her body remains unfound. That's all for now. More to come on this breaking story."

I sat on my couch, nibbling at nails with worry etched on my faced. The guilt was eating away at my sides and I didn't know if I could take it anymore. True, I was mean to the girl - but I still didn't mean for anything this bad to happen to her. 

Blake is dead and it's all my fault.

I realized what I had to do. 

I reached for my phone resting on the side table near the lamp. I took a deep calming breath before dialing Jane's number. I couldn't take being alone in this situation anymore. 

"Hey Lee what's up?"

"Jane I need you to come over here. Now," I replied shakily.

"Everything ok?" She asked. I hung up, not wanting to give her an explanation just yet.

It's time to come clean. 


A/N > Ooooooooo. You guys are finally gonna know what really happened!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Votes/Comments are much appreciated xx

-kya h. ∞

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