Bites, Birds, and Blow Torches

Start from the beginning

Lydia let out a sigh, "Look, I didn't have gas in mine and I had to pick up Allison. I didn't really think it would be a big deal..." 

"Lydia, you know I don't mind you borrowing my things as long as you ask. That's why I'm a little upset. The whole deer thing wasn't your fault, it was a freak accident–"

"Okay, but the same thing would have happened if you would have given me permission." She deadpanned. 

I turned my attention to her, "Still would have probably made the situation better." I let out a heavy sigh, "but the important thing is that nobody was hurt...Subject change, is your friend gone?" I asked, going back to nursing my ankle. Where's Mama McCall when you need her?

"I sent him on his way." 

"Lydia, we've had this talk before...I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep doing this. You aren't going to forget about Ja–" 

"Don't say it!" She yelled. 

I began cleaning up the mess I had made, avoiding the daggers I was receiving. "Okay...but you know it's true." 

"Subject change, show me outfits." 


"There's my two favorite boys!" I said, walking in the middle of Scott and Stiles, wrapping my arms around both of their shoulders. This whole thing probably looks extremely awkward since i'm so short, but eh..oh well. "What's going on?" 

I had just gotten inside the school, ditching my sister and Allison for a moment so I could find the boys. Which wasn't hard considering Stiles was once again blabbering loudly about something to Scott, just like he was last year. 

Stiles removed my arm from his shoulder, intertwining our fingers. "Scott wants to ask Derek for help." 

I slid my arm off of Scott's shoulder, using my hand to whack him on the back of the head. "Why, Scott? Why?" 

"He's got the triskele tattooed on his back. So there has to be a way to do it without healing, right?" 

My boyfriends attention was drawn to a board that held missing people flyers on it, and the missing people just so happened to be Erica and Boyd. "Yeah, but still, doesn't he have his hands a little full?" He asked, throwing his hand towards the pictures. 

"Look, these are the applications for the career advisor. I need them sorted." A voice echoed out into the hallway. Stiles began walking towards the voice dragging me along with him, and Scott followed behind. We peeked into the principals office, finding our original principal and thankfully not Gerard. "And whatever happened to the library when I was gone, I want it cleared up. And what is this?" He asked, pulling out Gerard's giant werewolf slashing sword. 

"Uh oh..." I whispered, "I'm out of here. Gotta go meet Allison and Lydia...bye!" I said, speed walking off into the direction of Allison's locker. 


"Freshman. Tons and tons of fresh men." My sister said, gawking at all of the newbies walking around the hallway. 

"You mean fresh boys. Lydia, they're fourteen." Allison said, chuckling as she put the last folder into her locker. 

She shrugged, "Eh, some are more mature than others."

I patted my sister on the shoulder lightly, "Stick with Brad, Lyds." 

"Brad?" Allison asked. 

"You probably don't wanna know..." I whispered to her. 

She nodded lightly, "Ahhh, okay...You know, it's okay to be single. Focus on yourself for a little while, work on becoming a better person." 

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