Chapter Twenty Three-Time Heals all wounds, I'll be okay until then

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I blinked as I tried to register everything. Elliot Hudson was Raven's husband...who knows aunt Chrissy....maybe he was an old friend or something?

"Allyson Craine, and this is Mason Reynolds." I gestured to Mason who wss trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Hey." Mason managed clasping my hand tightly.

"I believe they were just leaving." Raven said pointedly at Chrissy.

"How could you not tell him." Aunt Chrissy snapped, which was totally uncharacteristic for her.

Raven turned her glare to her older sister, "Chrissy leave." she bit out.

"No! Allyson drove in the dead of night for this. She doesn't deserve this and you know it! Now tell him." Aunt Chrissy demanded in a dark threatening tone.

Mason leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I know this is intense and all, but I like when she's like know when it's not directed at me."

"Of course you do." I rolled my eyes before the bickering got to me. "What's going on?"

Aunt Chrissy pointedly glared as Raven. Daring Raven to stop her, "Raven hid something from all of us and it's time she come clean."

"Let me handle this! Not all of us can be perfect like you Chris!" Raven growled.

"What are you two fighting about?" Elliot frowned growing even more confused.

You and I both buddy....

"Tell them, tell them both." Aunt Chrissy demanded.

Tell who what? I could see this fight going nowhere as it went in circles.

"Let me handle this, they're my family not yours." Raven shot back. Yep they were bickering sisters. "How about we all go inside before the neighbors call the cops." she suggested.

"Finally, I was freezing my ass off out here." Mason muttered under his breath. I would have hit him, but he was beyond right. I was freezing.

We all shuffled into the house. It was homey and very warm. I couldn't help but glance at the photos that hung on the walls.

Then it clicked. Raven had a family of her own. A picture that hung above the fireplace told me that. In addition to the daughter, she also had a young son, and Elliot.

"You have a lovely family." I said out of nowhere.

Raven stiffened and paled over. Elliot took notice but smiled kindly at me, his brown eyes giving me a sense of relief. "Thank you. We have a twelve year old daughter Fallon and a four year old son Tanner."

I nodded as I took it all in. The photo of a young Fallon was strikingly familiar to me, and Tanner had the same dimple I had on my left cheek when I smiled. They looked so much like me.

It was relieving and painful at the same time. I had a family who looked like me, who were a part of me. A part of me felt bitter that Raven chose to keep them Fallon wasn't much younger me....

"I always wanted a little brother or sister." I blurted out as my eyes were transfixed on the family portrait.

"Allyson, Elliot." Raven said softly pulling me gently out of my reverie. "There's something you both have to know."

Aunt Chrissy pulled Raven's hand into hers and gave her a reassuring smile. Coaxing her to go on. I myself held onto Mason's, who rubbed small circles, relaxing me.

I thanked my stars Mason was here. I know anyone of my friends would be there for me, but Mason was the comfort my heart set on. He was my anchor in this chaos.

Confessions of a Bad Boy // Slowly EditingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu