seventeen ➳ house hunting & weird looks

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dedication; OSnapItsZarry for all your cute comments and just for being fabulous :) <3

"i'd like a pool," zayn spoke, concentrated on his laptop which they were using to look at houses.

"me too. we could go swimming at midnight and kiss underwater and it'd be so romantic," harry sighed, looking at zayn's laptop screen.

"yeah." zayn nodded, scrolling through basic overviews of houses.

"are you sure we can afford this?" harry questioned a little worried.

"i worked in new york for three weeks babe," zayn chuckled. "just a heads up, i might be called back to new york.. it pays really well,"

harry nodded, then gasped. "whoah, whoah wait.. new york, again?"

"might." zayn stopped scrolling and looked at harry. "keyword, might."

"can i come next time?"

"you might have to come. it'll be more than just three weeks." zayn pecked harry's temple. "they warned me."

"when i am with you there's no place i'd rather be," harry sang, pressing a kiss on zayn's cheek.

"bye." zayn chuckled, closing his laptop and rolling his eyes at harry.

"zayn, no keep looking!" harry opened zayn's laptop and again and confined scrolling down.

"then don't sing old annoying songs." zayn stated clearly.

"fine. gosh, it was supposed to be funny." harry sighed.

the two continued scrolling and discussing each nice house until zayn's phone buzzed.

"oh my god." zayn gasped.

"what?" harry looked at zayn confused.

"jesy looks so good in this boho chic look wow i'm, i just, i can't." zayn showed harry his phone - which was a little mix update.

"gosh and look at perrie too! and jade looks so good in blue oh my god. and leigh, let's take a moment," zayn went on and on.

harry rolled his eyes and nodded and zayn's words.

"what are perrie's shoes?" harry giggled. "they look ridiculous."

zayn stopped talking and turned to harry with a very flat look on his face.

zayn put his phone down and got up.

he widened his eyes. "harry i don't think you should be talking you wear golden boots and ugly shirts. perrie edwards is flawless and i don't think you have any right to talk trash about her. i don't know what her shoes are, but whatever they are - they're nice."

harry pouted. "your so mean zayn."

"i know,"

harry shook his head. "let's.. let's just look at this tomorrow,"

zayn tilted his head. "what?"

"you heard me."

"you took that seriously?" zayn questioned.

harry looked down.

"i'm sorry baby," zayn sat down beside harry and wrapped his arm around harry's shoulder.

harry shook out of his grip.

"babe, talk to me." zayn pouted.

"no, i'm not talking to you." harry looked away from zayn, zayn feeling more hurt than ever.

"i'm done." zayn spoke, placing his hands on harry's hips and pressing his lips against harry's.


"so um, liam came over to my house yesterday." harry spoke to niall over the phone.

"really? what happened?" harry rolled his eyes, not that niall could see.

"baby, hurry up we gotta go." zayn called from harry's kitchen.

"baby hurry up," niall mocked.

harry giggled. "what happened? zee can wait,"

"he wanted to explain everything to be, but to be honest there's nothing really to explain or process.. he broke my heart and that's that." niall stated clearly. "and what's funny is that when i finally gave in, he was like 'nothing'."

"idiot. him and louis are always going over to zayn's apartment and i just can't stand being in a room with liam." harry shook his head.

"baby!! 3 more minutes!" zayn called again, frustrated.

"you can go. zayn seems impatient. i'll talk to you later?" niall chuckled.

"yeah okay, bye." the two hung up.

harry put his phone in his pocket and ran towards the door where zayn was.

"finally." zayn kissed harry's cheek. "niall was stealing you away from me!"

"you get plenty time with me zayn."

"not every second."

harry rolled his eyes and the two made their way out of the complex and into zayn's car as they were going house hunting today.

zayn had chosen the first house they were going to go to, which had the pool the lovers wanted.

"i'll let you two look around, and if you need help, i'll be down here." the boys' real estate agent told them.

"thank you," harry smiled, and him and zayn made their way to the kitchen.

"it's nice.." zayn spoke, harry nodded.

"my dream kitchen! you can cook for me!" harry giggled.

zayn shook his head. "other way around."

harry rolled his eyes. "can we go to the backyard before we check out anything else?"

"sure," the two made their way outside and it was absolutely breathtaking.

there was a huge deck, a nice garden and a large spot on the grass.

over on the other side was the pool.

"wow zayn! this is beautiful!" harry looked at zayn, and as zayn was about to say something, his phone buzzed.

zayn opened his phone, his eyes widening right away.

"what happened?" harry giggled.

zayn tried to speak but nothing came out. "i-i," he tried again. "jake proposed to jesy," he breathed.

"oh my god!!" harry gasped, jumping up and down with zayn almost fanboying.

their real estate agent came into the backyard and shot them a weird look.

"are you two okay?" she asked, laughing a little.

the boys calmed down immediately, nodding. "yeah, yes we are."

when the real estate agent left, the boys bursted out into a fit of giggles.

// a/n: congrats jakE AND JESY OH MY GOSH TODAY IS SUCH A GR888 dAY THEYRE OTP AND NOW GETTINg mARRIED OAMDLDKFFLK anyways how are you guy? feedback is always appreciated:);)

also check out my story 'one' it's about zarry falling in love over the years.

#shamelessselfpromotion ;)

hey, also comment your fav part of the story so far! (only if you have one aha)

thank you so so so much i love you!

- alexis.

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