nine ➳ perrie edwards

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it was wednesday, and zayn had decided to take harry out to get supplies to make concert shirts and whatnot.

zayn knew that little mix had just arrived here in london, last night, so he was also hoping to catch one of the girls too.

"good day harry," zayn smiled at harry when harry had opened his door.

"i'm always anxious to see you," harry smiled.

"i'm glad to hear. you want to go out with me?" zayn asked harry.

"sure, where are we going today?" harry leaned against the side of the door, placing a hand on his hip.

"first of all, stop acting cute like this, it's making me squirmy. second of all, we're going to make concert t-shirts." zayn grabbed harry's hand.

"okay, whatever you say zayn." harry giggled, following zayn out of the apartment building and into zayn's car.

"harry," zayn sighed when he had parked in front of the craft store, and they had both gotten out of the car.

"yeah?" harry moved his hair back.

"you need to cut you hair," zayn chuckled, walking towards harry, then running his fingers through harry's soft curly hair.

"not a chance." harry spoke proudly.

after buying neon pink, purple, yellow, blue, and green paint, the two boys headed outside.

zayn had managed to grab a hold of harry's hand, which made harry feel some kind of way.

after they made their way to the thrift store which wasn't far away, and bought a couple of white t-shirts.

when they had left the store, zayn gasped. "oh my gosh." he breathed.

stood just right across the street was perrie.

"wow zee! let's go take a picture!" harry checked before he and zayn crossed the street, which made zayn frustrated.

"harry, there's no time for this! perrie edwards is currently across the street!"

harry shook his head though. "there's always time for safety zayn." he spoke clearly.

after crossing the street, zayn tried to keep his cool. "h-hi perrie." zayn waved and smiled.

"hi boys!" perrie grinned at the two as she had noticed that they were holding hands. "are you two together?" she couldn't stop smiling. she had to admit they were adorable.

"yeah." zayn answered.

"i guess." harry felt so happy.

"can we take a photo with you perrie?" harry asked, pulling his phone out.

"sure!" perrie walked beside zayn and brushed up against zayn a little.

"jesus. christ. she's. touching. me." zayn whispered.

harry grinned. "i see love."

harry took a couple of photos of them together, and then took photos of zayn and perrie together, and zayn did the same for harry.

"thank you perrie." zayn had calmed down just a little.

"anytime." perrie winked at them.

"we're going to see you girls on friday!!" harry exclaimed excitedly.

"i'll keep an eye out for you lads, okay?" perrie smiled.

"okay perrie. bye!" the two boys said in unison.

when perrie had walked off, zayn gasped. "oh my god." he shout. "we just met perrie edwards what the heck is life?!"

harry grabbed zayn's hand again. "well, first off, you." harry winked, and the two boys began to walk back to zayn's car.


"but louis. we met perrie edwards okay?" zayn went on and on, louis yawning.

"congrats zee." louis said for about the millionth time. he started off enthusiastic and happy for his best lad, but after a while that seemed to kind of tone down as zayn kept repeating himself.

"okay, i'm sorry for ranting but thanks." zayn sighed, sitting down beside louis on the couch.

it was silent for a moment ‒ minus the small sound from their television, until zayn's doorbell rang.

"hi harry." louis ended up getting the door.

"hi louis, i need zayn like now." harry spoke, tense.

"what is it?" louis chuckled.

"just come oh my god." harry ran back to his house, zayn and louis following.

"come, come, come. just in here." harry bit his lip, and pointed up to the spider which was crawling on his bathroom ceiling.

"oh my gosh!" louis screamed sarcastically.

"shut up lou." zayn grabbed a tissue and tried to get it off the ceiling, but better yet, knocked it off and into harry's hair.

"god." zayn spoke, under his breath.

"harry! better not-" zayn shushed louis.

"what?" harry panicked.

"nothing, nothing! stay still babe." zayn looked around his harry's hair.

"oh my gosh where is it?" harry's heart was pounding.

"harry it's-" zayn stopped, as it began to crawl down harry's cheek.

"jesus christ!!!" harry gasped.

louis whipped out his iphone and began to video tape. "this is effing gold!" he laughed.

harry whipped himself around, slapping himself a couple of times, and accidentally whacked his head onto the wall.

the spider was clearly dead after this, but harry ended it all with a huge bloody cut on his cheek.

louis gasped, stopping the video.

"ow." harry pouted, tears forming in his eyes.

"c'mere love, let me help." zayn brought harry to the couch and cleaned up his cut, after using an ice pack over it.

"sorry zayn." harry wiped one of his little tears.

"you did nothing love. you were just scared that's it." zayn kissed harry's forehead.

"yeah, i'm going to leave.." louis ran out, leaving harry and zayn.

"you know what would make me feel real better?" harry smiled weakly, then winced because of his cut.

"what's that love?" zayn asked harry.

"a kiss." harry whispered.

"okay babe." zayn pressed his lips against harry's soft pink ones.

they could stay like this forever.

spider ➳ zarryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant