He sighed and I heard him talking to someone. After about a minute, he spoke again. “Dee? Yeah, they have it. It’s the last one left, and it’s in your size, so you’re in luck.”

I breathed out in relief. “Thanks so much. I hope it’s not too much to ask for.”

“Not at all, sweetie, I don’t mind getting something for you, once in a while. I’ll see you later, then. I have some news for you all.” with that, he hung up. I put down my phone and grinned down at Lewis.

He was staring at me, and I blushed under his gaze, glacing around the tent awkwardly. A soft hand carressed my hair gently, and I forced myself to look him in the eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes held amusement in them.

“Getting a new top from your Daddy?” he teased, laughing, while I smacked his arm. “Anyway, tell me more about this new guy friend of yours. What happened to Lidia?”

“Lidia is still my best friend.” I insisted. Then, the next few words blurted out of my mouth before I could control them, “Toby is weird. He’s…” I remembered the word Toby had used to describe himself and smiled to myself. “He’s different.” Yeah. That would work. Wasn’t Toby my friend? He’d acted like one earlier, so I suppose he’d have no problem admitting it.

Lewis searched my face suspiciously. “Oh, really? His name is Toby?” I nodded, beaming broadly at him. “Well, you two seem pretty close. I hope you’re having fun with him.” His voice held a hint of jealousy in them.

“So, am I going to get to know this girl’s name?” my smile faded.

“She’s called Mikayla, and she’s brilliant.” He paused, but I kept my face straight. “She’s really clever, and sometimes she comes over to my house to tutor me in Science. All the boys want her, but she still chose to be my friend.”

I kept down the surge of jealousy running through my body, and stood up, causing Lewis’s head to bounce off onto the tent floor. He cried out in pain and held his head, frowning at me and standing up opposite me. I crossed my arms and scowled back at him.

“What the hell was that for?” exclaimed my boyfriend, rubbing the back of his head. I tried not to think how handsome he looked right now, and focused on the point I was about to make.

“This is not going to happen,” I told him sternly. “It’s so obvious that you’re trying to make me jealous.”

His frown deepened. “Oh, so I’m trying to make you jealous, but you’re not trying to make me jealous?”

“I’m not!” I protested shrilly. “I was just telling you about Toby. He’s my friend,” actually, he might not even be that. “And he’s nothing more.” I continued firmly. “If you get jealous, that’s your stupidity.”

“So now you’re calling me stupid?” he shouted.

“I didn’t say that! Don’t twist my words around!” I shrieked exasperatedly. “It’s not my fault you’re a jealous idiot!”

“I’m a jealous idiot, now?” he yelled angrily.

“Yes!” I threw my hands up and grabbed my bag and umbrella. “Yes- that’s exactly what you are.” I zipped the tent back up, and turned back to Lewis. “Let me know when you’ve calmed down, and have controlled yourself. You’re being so immature about all of this, Lewis. And let me tell you now- I may love you with all my heart, but if I feel this relationship is getting too intense, it might just end.” I warned him, and opened my umbrella, stepping out into the rain.

I rushed away from the tent, on my way home, but I heard Lewis cursing and yelling my name.

Had I done the right thing? Oh no, I overreacted! I should’ve just left it and moved on! But no- I just had to blow it out of proportion. I suppose…well, hadn’t I tried to make Lewis jealous too? Not as much as he was, surely. Urgh, I needed someone to talk to about all this, but who could I trust enough? Lidia?

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