Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine


We hear commotion down the hall, and Meredith shifts to her knees. "We got to go."

We both stand up and Meredith makes a beeline for the door, while I stay at Scarlet's side. Meredith gives me a look and so I reluctantly let go of Scarlet's hand, before we both exit the room silently. We jog to the stairwell door to hide behind just as a group of nurses pass, and when they're gone do we finally relax. Meredith checks her watch.

"Our shift starts again in a couple minutes, so it'll be safe to come out in a bit."

"Okay," I place a hand on her shoulder. "thank you."

She gives me a brief smile. "I'm going to go back down to the cafeteria. See you later?"

I nod and she heads down the stairs, leaving me to watch the nurses walk back and forth down the hall.

My head is filled with images of Scarlet: our laughs, our fights, all our times together. How pale she was in the hospital room, and how cool her flesh was.

My dreams with her have always been a massive clue. I was too naive to realize it sooner, and do something about it. Maybe I'm too late now; maybe I can't save her.


I jump in surprise, but relax slightly when I realize who it is. "Oh, hey Dr. Martin."

He stands in the doorway, a hand holding the door open as he gives me a quizzical look. "What are you doing hiding in the stairwell?"

I look around nervously. "Waiting to work again, sir?"

His expression stays the same for a moment, before he finally smiles warmly. "Alright, let's work then."

He closes the door behind him and takes the stairs, stopping midway to glance back at me. I jump out of my daze and follow him up to the fifth floor.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

He laughs. "To surgery."


After witnessing a heart transplant, my body is weak and my stomach is queasy. I fumble out of the room on wobbly legs, just trying to keep my lunch from flying out of my mouth.

Don't get me wrong, it was interesting and the whole process intrigued me, but all the blood I saw and just thinking dear god I'm literally looking at a real live beating heart was more than what I could handle.

Dr. Martin laughs at me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You did well for a first timer. Most people would pass out in the first fifteen minutes."

"I can see why." I manage to say. Hoarsely, I might add.

He smiles, before inclining his head down the hall. "Why don't you go get some water, regroup, and come see me in ten minutes?"

I nod my head sluggishly. "Okay."

Dr. Martin laughs again, before he disappears back into the operating room.

I walk over to the elevator and jump in with another nurse, pressing the third floor button. I lean my body up against the wall and take a couple deep breaths, trying to ease my unsteady stomach and racing heart. The doors ding open on the fourth floor, and the nurse leaves and goes down the hall. The doors are just about to close when I notice three figures in Scarlet's room. I scramble out of the elevator and approach her room casually, and I realize the three figures are a doctor, a man, and a woman. I can just make out their conversation from outside the door.

"Has there been any change?" The woman says, worry and uncertainty prominent in her voice.

"I'm afraid she has made no further progress." The doctor says, letting out a sigh.

"But you said she would be awake by now!" The man exclaims.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fitz-Jacob, I'm sorry that I had made such accusations, but circumstances such as Scarlet's tend to be very unpredictable."

It's her parents.

Mrs. Fitz-Jacob lets out a whimper. "We just want our daughter back."

The doctor sighs again—a long, regretful sigh. "I think it is time that we discuss about Scarlet's future."

"What do you mean?"

"She's been in a vegetative state for the past six months now, and by this point it is very unlikely that your daughter will wake up again."

Mrs. Fitz-Jacob lets out a shattered breath.

"We suggest..." the doctor pauses, trying to find the right words. "we suggest that you consider removing Scarlet from life support."

My heart lurches as Mrs. Fitz-Jacob lets out a strangled cry.

No. This can't be happening.

"Who the hell gave you the authority to say that?" Mr. Fitz-Jacob shouts, as his wife continues to sob.

"This is a matter about her quality of life now." The doctor says, trying to diffuse the situation. "There's nothing we can do to help her."

Mrs. Fitz-Jacob continues to cry as I back away and head down the hall, my body numb and my brain feeling like cotton. This can't be true. There must be a way for me to help her. To rescue her.

I hear Scarlet's door open and the three of them emerge. I hear the doctor say, "think about it" as the Fitz-Jacobs turn away. Mr. Fitz-Jacob and Mrs. Fitz-Jacob are as posh as they come, with sweater vests and kaki pants—nothing even close to Scarlet's personality. Mr. Fitz-Jacob cradles his wife in his arms as they walk towards the elevators; the sound of Mrs. Fitz-Jacob's whimpers and sobs echoing down the hall. The doctor hovers awkwardly by Scarlet's door as they leave, and once they are gone does he finally move away.

I stare at Scarlet's door for what feels like hours, just trying to find a way to bring her back. I haven't seen Scarlet in my dreams for a couple days now. It might be that I was too stressed, but what if she's gone? What if I can't find her again?

But I have found her. Just not all of her.

It is then that I realize what's needed to be done.

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