Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


"Oh my god, I can't freaking believe that just happened."

I watch in mild amusement as Toby wanders around the playground in disbelief, his hands in his hair and a bewildered look on his face. He sighs dramatically and turns to me with a gaze full of awe. "I am officially a driver."

"Yay." I say dryly.

"My dad is crazy." He rattles on, which just makes me smirk. "I mean, out of the blue he sets me up wit a driving test? I mean who does that—"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. He's great." I wave my hand theatrically. "Move on."

Toby gives me a pointed look. "Can I not have this moment, please?"

"Toby, you've been going on about it for thirty minutes." I toss a woodchip at him from my perch on the roof of the play structure. "No one cares."

He deflects it easily. "For your information, people do care."

"Oh, I'm sure they do," I toss another woodchip at him. "but I don't."

Toby flicks it away. "Would you please stop that?" He says irritably.

I place a finger to my chin, pondering it for a moment. "Uh, no."

I parade him with a handful of woodchips, making him sputter and me laugh. He glares at me, not amused. "Where are you getting these from? Do you have a stash up there or something? Geez."

I chuckle as he rearranges his shirt with an annoyed expression, before I reach a hand down to him. "Come on."

Toby gives me a brief smile before grasping my outstretched hand, pulling him up beside me.

"Man, you're strong." He mutters.

"Stronger than you, you mean."

Toby scoffs, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly. "That's not what I said at all!"

"But you were implying it." I pull my knees to my chest. "Besides, it's not a crime if I'm stronger than you."

He mumbles something under his breath, before letting out a sigh.

We sit quietly for a while, taking in the frozen sunset before us.

"What do you think is out there?" I say, before I could stop myself.


I sigh, and gesture out in front of me. "Beyond the fence."

"I don't know," Toby says, leaning back on his arms casually. "It could be anything, really."

"I just hope it's something to look forward too, I guess." I admit.

Toby goes quiet for a while, so I look over to see that he is deep in thought.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing really." He gives me a small smile, as if to reassure me. "It's just...ever since I found out that you died, I've been thinking a lot about the concept of life and death. I'm afraid that... when I go, I wont be remembered." He sighs and shakes his head. "Sorry, it's stupid."

"It's not stupid." I say sternly, making him look up at me with surprise. "People won't forget you, I mean how could they? You are an amazing person Toby, and you have impacted so many lives, that your influence isn't a small matter. And even if they're not thinking of you, it doesn't mean they don't remember you. As far as I can gather, I'm not a real person—anymore at least—and I still can remember your face so clearly, even when you are awake and away from this place."

I take a deep breath, my heart beating loudly in my ears as I prepare what to say next.

Don't say it Scarlet, don't say it don't you dare say it—

"I can never forget you Toby, you're just too important to me. I know that I'm in Dreamland, and probably won't be leaving it anytime soon, but because of you..." I pause, before I finally meet his eyes. "I'm beginning to wake up."

We just stare at each other for a long time, neither of us saying a word. My heart still thumps loudly against my ribcage, not used to exposing my feelings all at once. I feel a set of fingers slide into my palm and intertwine with mine, only to see that they are Toby's. He gives them a warm squeeze as he smiles at me, appreciation gleaming in his eyes. I smile back, a real one this time.

We then return our gazes to the sun, watching it stand still together until Toby disappears, leaving me alone again with my restless thoughts.

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