Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


I pull into the parking lot with a sly grin on my face, turning into an empty space besides Cameron's car and switching off the ignition. Cameron is chatting to Jessica as he leans casually on his side door, but does a double take when he sees me. A huge grin slowly plasters his face.

"Toby, what the hell?" Cameron comes over and leans his head inside my window. "When did this happen?"

I place my hands casually on the steering wheel and grin. "Yesterday."

Cameron laughs, looking around wildly as if to say, can you believe this guy?

"It's true," I say, suppressing a laugh.

"You are the biggest idiot I know, and you can drive."

"Yep." I say proudly. Then my smile falters, turning into a frown. "Minus the first part."

"It's a nice car though," Jessica jumps in beside Cameron. "I heard you found it at a dump and fixed it up."

"Yeah, my dad and I finished her yesterday." I say, grinning in spite of myself.

"I can just imagine it now," Cameron puts his hands out in front of him, as if he was displaying a scene. "an innocent yet idiotic Toby approaches his beloved car, only to realize that he has forgotten his keys—"

"Oh, shut up."

"—and then out of nowhere, his adored best friend comes in to save the day!" He exclaims, smirking at me.

"Cameron, leave him alone." Jessica chides, shoving his shoulder with hers playfully.

Cameron looks over and gives her a warm smile, looping his arm around her waist and placing a kiss on her temple. "I'm sorry, baby."

"Okay, let's get to class." I say, shaking my head knowingly.

Jessica nods in agreement, so I jump out of the car, lock it, and together we all make our way to the entrance of school—Cameron riding his skateboard while Jessica and I keep pace with him. Once we reach Mr. Bullock's class we part ways, and I watch with a smirk as Cameron wraps an arm around Jessica's shoulders and pulls her in close for another kiss.

Shaking my head, I turn and stroll in to Mr. Bullock's class, only to find that it's empty. I glance up at the time, and realize that I'm ten minutes early.

"Baxter?" Mr. Bullock stutters, taking off his glasses to clean them before putting them on again. "What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like? I'm here for class."

He blinks at me, taken aback. "I mean, of course but—"

"I'm just going to sit in the back, if you don't mind."

He stares at me mutely as I walk to an empty desk, his face reddening as the seconds pass. He gives me a glare once I've taken my seat, before returning to grading tests. I smirk in victory.

School passes surprisingly easily after that, and before I know it the last bell has rung and I'm making my way towards the parking lot. People stare as I pass, and I find that a small crowd has gathered around my truck. I twirl my keys around my finger as I approach and unlock my car, the sound causing everyone to jump and look over in my direction. I grin as I open my door and take the drivers seat, turning on the ignition before the engine lets out a giant roar. I look over my shoulder as I back out, ignoring my classmates' shocked/envious expressions, and then put the car in drive before heading out of the parking lot.

Instead of making my way home however, I decide to make one pit stop first.


"Bloody hell," Kate breathes, astonishment covering her face. "This is freakin' amazing!"

We stand outside of her dad's auto shop, Kate circling my truck and me leaning against a street lamp, watching her in amusement. She's wearing designer jeans and a fluffy wool sweater, her blonde hair tucked under a beanie. She goes onto her knees and tips her head underneath the front of the car, before jumping back up and beaming at me.

I laugh. "What?"

"You guys did such a good job." She coos, coming over to me and shaking my shoulders. "I'm so friggin jealous!"

I laugh, deflecting her arms which only makes her grin. "I thought you would like it." I say.

"You bet I do!" She puts her hands on her hips, admiring the vehicle. "Thanks for keeping me in the loop, by the way."

I think of Scarlet, my hand tingling at the thought of where she held it last, before I smile back at Kate and reply, "I always keep my promises."

"Well if you don't mind," Kate says, pulling out her phone. "could I take a couple photos?"

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. "Yeah, sure."

She grins, before snapping away on her phone. I just think about what Scarlet had said to me; how she depended on me.

I can never forget you Toby, you're just too important to me.

"Toby?" Kate inquires, pulling me out of my daze. "Are you listening?"

"Yeah, sorry." I say, giving her a small smile. "What did you say?"

She crosses her arms and gives me a knowing look. "Who is it?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"The girl." She wipes something off the hood of my car absently. "The one you can't stop thinking about."

I feel my face warm. "Oh, no it's not what you think—"

"Toby." Kate smirks slightly at me. "I've dated a lot of guys in my short and miserable life, and from my experience I can clearly tell when a guy is crazy about someone else. So, who is it?"

I sigh, not wanting to argue with her. "Scarlet."

"Oooh." She drawls, wiggling her eyebrows. "She sounds so mysterious."

I laugh. "You could say that again."

"So what's stopping you?"

I glance at her. "Stopping me, what?"

"You know," she bumps my shoulder playfully. "making a move."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous." I push off the lamppost and stand opposite of her.

"What?" She says innocently. "It's not that difficult to do!"

"It is with her!" I sigh, running my hands through my hair. "I don't know anything about her. Hell, I don't even know where I could find her." I look at my feet, letting out a frustrated laugh. "It's impossible."

She's dead.

Kate comes over and leans against the car beside me. "Well if I were you, I would do anything to keep her around." She says, before glancing over at me with thoughtfulness in her eyes. "She's someone worth fighting for."

I give her half a smile. "Why would anyone hurt you?"

Kate lets out a laugh. "Boys are bastards. No offence."

"None taken."

"I hope you find her." Kate finally says, after a while.

I let out a breath. "Me too."


Thanks so much for reading, and do your thang.

-Yours Truly.

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