Chapter 19

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Scott POV
I woke up early in the morning with Breanna still in my arms. I smiled and placed feather like kisses down her neck. She stirred a bit in her sleep and rubbed her eyes. I quickly flipped over on my back and pretended to be asleep.

Breanna POV
I woke up to feather like kisses on my neck. I smiled and stirred in my sleep. Scott quickly flipped on his back and I turned to face him. I saw him closing his eyes and "sleeping".

"He's so cute." I mumbled to myself.

I placed my head and hand on his chest as Scott wrapped his arm around my waist as our legs got tangled. We slept for a bit longer till Scott's niece ran in to wake us up.

"WAKE UPPPPP" she yelled while jumping on the bed. "WE NEED TO GO OPEN PRESENTS!!" She screamed while running out of the door. As she was running she tripped and fell.

I bolted out of Scott's arms and ran to the crying little girl.

"Awe Sidney are you alright?" I said picking her up.

"Yeah I just fell and scraped my knees." She said between sobs.

"Well how about we go downstairs and see what presents you have." I said wiping away her tears.

"YEAH!!" She said smiling and wrapping her small arms around my neck and laying her head on my shoulder.

"Come on slow poke." I said to Scott as I walked out of the room laughing.

"So Sidney are you ready to see your presents?" I asked before I opened the door.

"YEAH LETS GOOOO" she said.

"Yeah Breanna lets goooo!" Scott mimicked in his low morning voice as he put his hands on my waist.

I opened the door and all of Scott's family was there sitting on the couches and chairs.

"Sidney did you wake them up..?" Sidney's mother exclaimed.

"Yes mommy." She said as I handed her off to her mother.

"That wasn't very nice of you to do that." Her mother said as Sidney looked at the ground.

"No it's okay. At least I was woken up by a cute little girl and not a loud alarm clock. Best wake up call I've had in awhile." I said booping Sidney on the nose and going to sit "criss-cross apple sauce" on the floor.

Sidney giggled and hopped out of her mothers arms grabbing a few presents and sitting in my lap. Sidney started ripping open her presents as the rest of the group grabbed their presents as well.

"Um Scotty?" I asked.

"Yes babe." He responded.

"I have a suitcase with all of your families presents that I got for them up in our room can you please grab it for me...?" I asked hoping I wasn't asking too much.

"Of course branana peel." He said smiling.

"Thanks babe." I said as he ran up the stairs.

Sidney kept opening presents and showing them to me very excitedly. She is so adorable.

Scott came back down stairs with all the presents in his arms and laid them underneath the Christmas tree.

We handed out presents and started opening them. I got some amazing presents from Scott's family and I was so grateful.

"Scotty." I sang/said.

"Yes Breanna?"

"Here is your present." I said handing him the box behind me.

A Crazy New Life(A Scott Hoying Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang