Chapter 10

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Hey guys! I just realized I haven't talked to you since chapter 1. So how are you? Oh, thank you so much for reading my story it means a lot to me! I hope you guys have been enjoying my story so far! If you would like you could comment or favorite. Again thank you for reading and here is chapter 10!

Scott POV
I woke up the next morning at 3 am since we had to be at the airport by 4 am. I rolled out of bed, literally, and packed some last minute things. I went into Mitch's room to make sure he was awake and I saw him drowsily dragging his suitcase towards the door. Mitch saw me and we both gave the look of why are we even up, sleep is more important. I walked over to Breanna's room and saw her asleep on the floor next to her suitcase. I took a picture for sleep wars, uploaded it onto Twitter and went to go wake her up. I kneeled down on the floor and slowly started to shake Breanna.

"Breanna, it's time to get up. We have to get to the airport." I lightly cooed. As she stirred awake she said something that I couldn't understand completely.

"Can you just drag me to the car?" She said as I laughed.

"Sure" I said as I grabbed her hands and pulled her through the door.

Breanna POV
I was woken up by Scott lightly shaking me and telling me we had to get to the airport. I asked if he could drag me to the car and he said yes.

"I was kidding Scotty. Let me go!" I said giggling.

"I can't do that" he said dragging me to the couch, an evil smirk spreading across his face.

He plopped me on the couch and started to tickle me. I tried to squirm out of his grip but he held me to tightly.

"Scott stop please" I said between fits of giggles.

"Only if you promise to sit by me on the plane." He said stopping the tickle fight to wait for my answer.

"Who else would I sit by, you butthead!" I said giggling.

"Okay you are free to go." He said walking away. As he walked away I jumped up, ran over to him and jumped on his back.

"Haha got you now sucker!" I said as Scott gave me a piggyback ride. "Weeeeeeeee" I said laughing.

I hopped off of Scott's back and ran into my room. I changed into my onesie and grabbed my suitcase. Scott was in his onesie and so was Mitch.

"We match! Now I won't loose you two in the airport." I said giggling. We walked to the car and drove to the airport. We met up with the rest of the band and walked over to our gate. As we stepped onto the plane we all found our seats. My row was Scott by the window, me in the middle, and Mitch in the isle. I leaned on to Scott's shoulder and fell asleep right away.

We made it to Florida and had to go strait to rehearsal. I waited in the green room for them to be done with rehearsal. I decided that I would go for a run. I changed into shorts and a tank top and grabbed my phone. I walked for awhile until I stumbled upon a trail.

"Perfect" I thought and started to run. While I was running I got a text from Scott that was asking where I was. I quickly texted him that i went for a run and to meet me at the park I was at. I finished my run and looked across the trail to see Scott. We talked for awhile and just wondered around the city. We ran into a few fans who asked for a picture. Some of them even recognized me from superfruit and from the bands Instagram.

We got back to the venue and they got ready for their show. I stood back stage and watched the entire show. They were amazing!! They look so happy when they are on stage, and that makes me happy. They are also so amazing to their fans. Once the show was over we hung out in the green room for a while then made our way to the bus. The fans were waiting outside and they met all of them. Once everyone dispersed we got into the bus and left. We partied on the bus till 4 am then went to sleep.

The next few days were pretty much the same. We went from state to state and made it to Arizona. I texted my friend Aislyn and told her that I was in Arizona and that we should hang out. I got an uber over to her dorm.

"Aislyn! It's been way to long since I've last seen you!" I said hugging her.

"I know! We need to hang out more!" She said as we hopped back into the über and went to the venue.

As we were driving I told her all about the band.

"There is this guy in the band that I think you are going to really really like" I said smiling mischievously.

"Who?!?" She asked excitedly.

"Avi, he is the bass in the band and is very funny and sweet. You guys would be perfect together."

"So......who was that blonde on your Instagram and Twitter, you guys seem very close if you know what I mean." Aislyn said raising her eyebrows.

"That's Scott, he is my best friend." I said smiling.

"Is it a friends with benefits type of thing or nah." She said mischievously.

"No! He has a girlfriend and she hates me. She literally hates me so much she beat me up. She thinks that I'm trying to steal Scott away. I mean he's cute, funny, and perfect but he is in a relationship."

"Ohhhh you like him!!" She said.

"Yes but you can't tell anyone."

"Okay okay"

We got to the venue and I introduced Aislyn to Avi. They hit it off right away. Me and Scott watched as they talked.

"Ah young love." I said nudging Scott. We both laughed and they started the show. Aislyn and I watched from backstage. After the show we all went into the bus to party. I went to the back of the bus to grab my jacket and walked in on Aislyn and Avi making out. I walked back to the front of the bus and Scott knew something was up.

"I'm scarred, I just walked in on two of my best friends making out." I said with a blank expression on my face. Scott laughed and we just kept partying. Avi asked us if Aislyn could come on tour with us and we all agreed.

We drove to Los Angeles and Mitch and I went back to the apartment. We got back on the bus and Avi said that Scott was looking for me. He told me he was in the back of the bus so I skipped over and opened the door. I walked in and saw Scott sitting on the couch crying.

"Scott what's wrong?!?" I asked running to his side.

"Maria cheated on me." He said through sobs.

A Crazy New Life(A Scott Hoying Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now