My pulse quickened, and I wanted to devour her—no—I needed to devour her. The fact that this beautiful creature belonged to me now was something I could hardly fathom. Just a short while ago, I'd been unsure if the Fae existed, and now I was bonded to one. All I knew was that this felt like heaven, and I never wanted it to stop, because being with her enflamed every one of my senses.

"Bran," she whispered against my lips, and I moaned as I rolled over to pin her body beneath mine on the bed.

I kissed down her neck, my tongue darting out here and there against her skin. She even tasted delicious, and it seemed as if the more contact I got, the more I needed. It would never be enough.

"What are you doing to me, Eirian?" I said as my lips moved farther, and she arched in response over the use of her name.

"The same thing you're doing to me," she replied breathlessly, and I had to admit it gave me great pleasure to hear she was just as affected.

The fire flamed brightly as the two of us became lost in a world of our own creation. I knew of nothing except her—wanting her, touching her, kissing her, being with her in a way I never imagined possible.

We were completely wrapped up in each other well into the afternoon. The light in the sky shifted as the sun continued on its journey. Then she bit me once again, and I drifted off into the blissful darkness, still holding her in my arms.

There was a ringing in my ears when I awoke, and I tried to shake it off. That was a mistake, and I groaned, lifting a hand to my head.

"Are you thirsty?" Eirian was standing in a loose, flowing gown at the side of the bed, a silver goblet in her hand extended toward me.

I was thirsty—now that she mentioned it—almost ravenously so. I took the offered cup and quickly downed the contents. It was a sweetish tasting liquid that, while wetting my palette, made me crave more.

"What is this? I asked, handing it back to her.

She smiled. "Do you like it? Would you enjoy more?"

"Yes, please," I responded.

She turned to a small serving tray with a large pitcher and a variety of fruit and breads I hadn't noticed before.

My stomach rumbled at the sight, and she giggled as she refilled my drink and gave it back.

"I thought you might be getting hungry."

I drank the refreshment once more, and she took it and refilled it again, this time setting it on the edge of the tray and scooting it within my reach. She sat on the edge of the bed and picked up a grape, leaning forward and gesturing for me to open my mouth. I did so, and she popped it inside.

Flavor like I'd never experienced exploded in my mouth with the first bite. I closed my eyes and savored it for a moment. "This is no ordinary grape."

She laughed. "Actually, it is. You will find that the food tastes much better here in Faery."

"Why is that?" I asked, wondering if there was some magical explanation.

"Because everything is better here. That's just the way it is."

I smiled and placed another grape into my mouth. "That's quite the educated reasoning you have there." I winked at her.

"You're very gracious." She bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement before taking a grape herself and eating it.

"I'm glad you think so." I allowed my gaze to drift over her form once more. Would I ever get my fill of her? She smelled so good. I wasn't sure why, but it made me feel like I wanted to lick or bite her, just to have a taste.

Faery KissedWhere stories live. Discover now