"Ayy Brittney today we are having a meeting at the house today." Red annouced. So?

"What do that have to do with me?" I asked.

"You have to find another ride home." he shrugged. I walked in his face and smirked.

"Do you really want to find my own ride?" he looked at me and thought about for a second.

"Naw you riding with me." I smirked at him and shook my head.

"No you said I have to find a ride." he had nothing but pure fire in his eyes.

"Be at my car at 3 sharp, if I have to go and look for you it won't be pretty." he threatened, but whispered. I stepped back with fear written on my face. "That's more like it, now go on to class before you late.

    I headed on out to class and luckily I wasn't late. I walked to the back with Ari and Ced. They looked at me and smirked.

"What?" I whispered.

"I saw how Red was scaring you." Ced teased.

"Boy stop! He don't scare me." I lied. Red put so much fear in my heart & he know it.

"Whatever." Ari giggled.

"What you laughing for? That's yo boo thang." I teased. Her face to straight serious.

"That's not funny now you know that's Erica boo." she cooed. We all know she like him to.

"Ari stop we all know you like him to." Ced chimed in.

"Whatever." she waved us off. When she do that, we know that she is undefeated.

    We sat in in this boring history class talking about nothing. Once the bell rung I hoppe dup and walked to my locker. Since I had math next I had to get my book. When I was going to close my locker somebody called my name. I looked up and it was Marcus. I couldn't help but smile.

"Red said he need his jacket." he said, out of breath. Them eyes just make me melt. I grabbed the jacket and passed it to him. He was going to walk away but he stopped. "And oh yeah, you are riding with me afterschool." he smiled and I nodded.

    He jogged back to where he had to go. My stomach was doing flips and turns. I walked in math and boy let's just say that this is not going to be easy. When I walked in I saw Marcus's other brother Jay. I had a slight crush on him to but he don't like me the same way. Him & Marcus is the complete opposite. He is more of the street, disrespectful brother. Them type. He is the hit it and quit it. You get it. He looked at me and smirked, when I came in his direction. I sat next to him not saying nothing. Once all the work was passed out and the lesson was over. We had a chance to work by ourselves. I looked up and saw Ced hugged up with some female. Yes, I have all my classes with Ced. I put in my headphones and zoned everybody out. After about 30 minutes I felt somebody tap me & it was Jay. I took out my headphone and he pointed. It was time to go. I packed up all my stuff and headed to my locker and threw my books in there. My headphones was still in. Then I saw some people hovering over me, I turned around and saw it was Red and his crew. I sighed and took out my headphones.

"What?" I asked annoyed. He getting on my nerves.

"Look I got lunch and I left my money at the house, let me get $10." he begged. This boy forever leaving his little money at home, so he say.

"Why won't you eat free lunch?" I asked. I mean it's better then nothing. "All I have is a solid 20."

"Okay man I'll bring you back your change." he whined to. "Brittney come on." I sighed and looked at him.

"Here bring me back my 20 dollars and I'm not playing with you." I snapped. He looked at me and smiled. "I got you, what's your next class?"

"Next I got wood shop." I shrugged. I hate it, I always get the shaving in my hair. "I really don't want to go."

"Wood shop is my next class." Marcus smiled. Red looked at me and smirked. Why do he have a junior class and he a senior? "I can walk her."

"Okay make sure he make it there safely." Red said looking at me. We walked off I looked back at Red and smirked.

"Bring me back my change." I shouted.

"Yeah! Okay." he shouted back, walking towards the doors. I dislike him so much.

    We walked to the class together in silence. While walking towards the door, he stopped and looked at me. I was confused. He looked at me and hugged me, why? I hugged him back and he just walked right in without me. What was that for? Before I walked in I saw Jay looked at me with nothing but 'anger' in his eyes. I forgot he got this class also. I smirked at him and walked right in. Today is going to be a long day.


    The rest of the day went slow. Now I'm sitting the car with Jay and Marcus. We have been riding in silence and I can really say it's tension in the air. We put Jay in the back, he didn't like that at all. We finally pulled up at my house and I saw Aaron's car outside. I hopped out and ran to the door, I busted in and there he was. Talking to Red and Masha, I hopped in his arms and just squealed.

"Dang Brittney I miss you to." he giggled. He still look the same, we bout the same height.

"Alright my boys is downstairs, you look good Aaron." Red said, walking downstairs. I hate when he do that.

    We sat in the living room and chatted. He told us that they are going to transfor him up here. Till then he's going to stay here with us. Everybody is downstairs with the boys, except for me and Masha. With her busy schedule she's sleep. I looked down and notcied I still had on my school clothes. I raced upstairs to my room and changed in a white t shirt. My pants was dirty so I went and took a pair of Red basketball shorts. He'll be mad, but who cares? I walked back down and my stomach growled. I wanted some fruit, so I grabbed a orange at the bottom of the fridge.

"Look at this view." a voice went. I know that voice from anywhere, Jay.

"What you want?" I asked.

"You if you was on the menu." he flirted, so corny.

"Come on now, come at me with another one." I flirted.

"How long have we known eachother?" he asked.

"Going on 7 years why?" this boy is getting on my nerves.

"Nothing." he shook my head.

    I tried to walk pass him but he stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to show you something." he said.

    He grabbed me by my waist and looked me in my eyes. His eye went down to my lips and I licked them.

"Stop." he groaned. "That's a tease."

    I tried to move out his grip, but he held tighter. He pulled me closer and tighter. His lips brushed across mine and I blushed. His lips finally came on mine. My eyes went shut, my hands somehow wrapped around his neck. I let out a moan and I think he heard it. I felt his hands go down to my but and he gave it a tight squeeze. He broke the kiss and went to my neck. OMG he found my spot. The moans was coming every 3 seconds, I felt him stiff on my leg. He let go of me and looked at me. He smirked and walked away.

"See I gotcha right where, I want you." he smirked. "You taste good to be my bro, sis." he walked to the stairs, looked back and winked.

    This Bitch Playing Games!

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