She did seem pretty level headed after she let me talk. After I got to fully open up. That spark between us was still clearly there, and her voice had softened by the time I left. Thing is, I still remember the point she made about the chance the baby is mine. You know when she mentioned I was dodging responsibility as it could be my seed that produced that kid. I spoke to Daniel about it yesterday. We are both confident that baby isn't mine, but neither of us our stupid enough to not consider the possibility. He tried to reassure me, but we set a plan in place just in case. Simone would obviously keep the house, as part of the settlement but the kid would have to go back and forth at first. Then, I'd have to fight for custody. Surely, it wouldn't be hard to prove Simone isn't stable. Her little scene she caused, would prove that shit. They could try to pin it on me, that I wasn't around but I more than provided for both of them. Plus, when the baby is born, if it is mine, i'll be there every step of the way. Candice could then choose if she wants to step up or not, because at the end of the day I couldn't leave my young one in the care of that bitch, even now I have people watching her around the clock. Talking about them, they aren't doing a good enough job - the way she was able to come to my fucking company. I will be calling them tomorrow, bet your life on it. In fact, they should bet their life on it, I'm not letting them fuck with my money - I pay them top dollar to do what they do.

I'm not sure when I drifted to sleep, but I woke up to the sound of an annoying arse bird chirping loudly. It was my phone alarm. I never set it to that shit though. That thing just played the one the phone set by default. Whatever settings it's on, I need to change it. It just gone past ten so I made an effort to get up. Good thing about running things is that I can get to work on my own watch, unless I have a meeting set up. Candice is normally good with that kind of thing, if I do run late for a meeting though - she makes sure to rearrange it. I think that's what made me get ready faster, to see Candice when I got in. She would already be there as she normally gets in by 9.00. That's the time expected for all members of staff to be in, it's not hard to check if they haven't either - I could easily have the IT man check when they logged on, when they signed into the system as they came in. Sometimes I do that, to check if anyone has been slacking.

I grabbed myself a coffee from the machine downstairs before I took long strides towards the lift. I was feeling... nervous. A brother was feeling a little nervous - apprehensive about the reception I'd get from Candice. Obviously, she wouldn't create a scene like how fucking Simone did but I would be able to tell by the look in her eyes if she forgave me or not. She wasn't at her desk, when I went up so I sat in my office twiddling my thumbs. I didn't really have shit to do, I delegated everything to others. I'm just waiting until they finish, so I can review it and I think there's a meeting later, I'd have to check in with Candice. This coffee wasn't as good as the ones Candice normally makes, but it will do. It will make up for the sleepless nights I been having (you know why).

I was so caught up in thinking about seeing if Candice has made it to her desk, that I didn't call my lawyer until I'd finished my coffee. He said I could drop in the mid afternoon to look over everything, but that it was very good news. He implied that Simone wasn't trying to take me to the cleaners. I was surprised at that as it turns out the bitch does have some morals and gratitude at least. Shit, I'm still in shock she signed it in the first place, after saying she would wait for me, and them constant phone calls. It must have really sunk in when I told her, I'd found somebody else. Thank, fuck for that, because whatever it was - I'm finally free. No more drama.

Drama. I quickly dialled the number of Biggie. Biggie was given that name for his size, and was the head of the people I had watching Simone. I wanted to know how the fuck it was possible that she and her simply ratchet arse friend were able to come to my office, and create a full out scene without it being on my radar. They should have been able to call me, as soon as she left the house, without having a baby appointment. What do they think they are paid to do? Sit there and eat mother fucking doughnuts - they aint the cops.

"What the fucks been going on?" I questioned. My voice was stern. I had to show these people what I'm about from the onset.

"I err" he stuttered on the other side of the phone sounding like a punk arse bitch.

"You probably don't even fucking know what I'm talking about, which means you aint been watching, and I'm paying you mother fuckers to watch. So if you aren't watching, this means my money isn't being spent on shit. Are you nigga's trying to fuck with me?"

"No Boss"

That's what i mother fucking thought, but I still want answers.

"You talking about her going to your job, thing is I did try to hit you up on that day but your phone wa-"

I cut him off, because I realised there was truth to what he was about to say. I was blowing off on him forgetting my phone was being repaired around that time - there was a crack in my screen. But shit, I ain't about admit shit to him.

"I'm going to give y'all a chance but if you fuck up one more time" I didn't finish off my sentence. Shit, sometimes suspense makes them more fearful. I don't need to be making threats I'm not even planning to keep.

"I appreciate that. Nothing like that will be happening like that again, you have my word" Biggie said smoothly, "I was even about to call you myself" I could detect hidden fear in his voice.

"Why? More news?" I asked, wondering if he saw her post the papers or some shit.

"You aint gone like this, but it seems like she making plans to go to England. Whizz, the one that looks at computers saw her feed. She been checking out flight details, and just now we saw her standing outside with a whole load of luggage, looking like she about to go some place. It could be false alarm but I was calling to let you know"

I hung up the phone, feeling my blood about to boil. I need to call in some help. There's no way this bitch is leaving going to God knows where, before I find out if the kid is mine or not. Fuck, no.

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