2 - Venerability

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Dedicated to my girl arokay for all the support. She is legit my girl, and a top Don (Money Mitch)

Chapter 2 - Samuel Pov

"Samuel" I knew it was Candice speaking, without even raising my head.

She cleared her throat, which made me stop what I was doing. I looked up. My full attention was now on her. She looked good as usual.

"I came in to say I saw the way you looked at me earlier" She said in a firm voice.

This is exactly what I did not want. I scratched my head.

"Shut the door behind you" I ordered calmly although I didn't feel calm. What did she want to do? Alert all of my staff.

I watched her shut the door, allowing my eyes to roam a little.

Judging by the tone of her voice you'd think she wasn't happy but I know better. I saw the way she reacted earlier. She was looking at me, just as hard.

I smirked looking at her, as she stood in front of my desk. There was an awkward silence as we stared at each other again.

"Take a seat." I told her.

I didn't take my eyes off her as she sat down in the chair in front of me.

"Continue" I made a hand gesture for her to continue whatever it was she wanted to say.

Because before today I had never got the impression that she realized anything was going on. If I'm being honest it was me not her. There's something about her that made me want more. She was always professional, unlike previous PA's that were flirting as much as they could. So much that they didn't get the work done.

I never thought she'd actually come in here to talk about it. If she says I made her feel uncomfortable in anyway Id have to think of something that avoids any trouble. I don't want to loose her because she's the best PA I've had. I don't want to lose her at all.

"I just wanted to clear everything up" She bit her bottom lip.

If only she knew what that did to me. "I know it was just a look, but we are both grown."

She continued, "We both know what that meant. I hinted at a bonus and I want to make sure you know that I wouldn't do anything to get it"

My smirk faded. So this is what it's all about. She thinks I'm trying to use my position to get what I want.

"Candice I.." This woman had me lost for words. For some reason I wanted her to know it wasn't like that.

"That look you saw wasn't because of the bonus you wanted Candice. You've already got it, you'll see the difference in your next cheque" I looked down at my desk as I decided to drop the professional act. I was going to just be as sincere as I could to show her I value her work and her. I don't want her to leave. "And you're getting that bonus because you deserve it. You're the best PA I've ever had. I may not always show it but I appreciate how efficient you are."

I looked up at her and then instantly regretted it. She was smiling. A real genuine smile, and I couldn't help but be happy that I had put it there.

"So I'm going to take this as an opportunity to say I appreciate everything and that Id like to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable" I stopped in the middle of my speech as I heard a sound coming from Candice's mouth. Kind of like she was surprised or something. My expression must have showed I was confused.

"I'm sorry." She sounded amused; "I'm just surprised you said you're sorry" she looked up at me.

"Why?" I smiled for no reason. Her smile was infectious.

"Well, If I'm honest you don't strike me as the type to apologize." she replied.

"What type do I strike you as Candice?" I retorted. I was curious.

"Well..." she started before I cut her off. I didn't want to hear anything, as I knew it wouldn't be good.

"On second thoughts don't answer that" I smiled at her again as she chuckled at me. That laugh will literally be the death of me I thought, as I imagined what my brother and my friends would say if they knew how whipped I was without even knowing how she feels.

Then I said what I felt needed to be said "I am sorry for crossing the line but I want you to know it's not because I'm trying to use my position in any way to manipulate you in any way. I genuinely appreciate you. What you caught is that I appreciate you in more ways than one." I told her openly.

Her eyes widened slightly, which made me think carefully about what I was going to say next.

I'm man enough to admit that I've been catching feelings. I've always known there was something about her. That something my wife lost a long time ago, I thought to myself, and that was before I found out she only wanted my money.

"The truth is I've been attracted to you since you started working here. I'm not sorry for that. You're a beautiful woman. You're intelligent. You're, well it's impossible for a man not to admire you" I paused "What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry I let my feelings for you show and affect our working relationship and I'm hoping we can move forward from this discrepancy and continue to work together as we did before."

And I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel like a bitch at that moment. Men always have to put themselves on the line of possible rejection. Most of the time most men don't care. It's either we don't rejected a lot or we don't care that much as there will always be another woman to fill the woman that said no's place. But once a man is putting himself on the line for a woman he really cares about, it means he's strong enough to let himself be vulnerable, and vulnerable is exactly how I feel right now as I wait for Candice to answer.

A/N I'm feeling Samuel way too much right now. Fuck his money grabbing wife Simone, although theres two sides to every story. Of course Samuel is wrong for trying to start something knowing there's no divorce, and of course he isn't going to let Candice know. That'd be boring. When Candice eventually finds out, theres going to be war.

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