23 - Past

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Chapter 23

Candice Pov

This was my first time seeing Ryan since the break up. The awful break-up that used to haunt me, and disrupt my sleep. His eyes burned into me and for a moment I felt like we were the only two in the bar. We stared at each other for a while, neither one of us so much as blinking, before the trance I was in was broken by a sharp pain in my right foot.

"Fuck" the shock of a high heel stabbing my toes caused explicit language to escape my mouth.

"I'm so so sorry" A tall, slender blonde woman gasped, "Are you alright?" concern was etched all over her face. She bit her lower lip, and her light grey eyes held worry.

A middle aged man with dark brown hair, sea blue eyes, wearing an expensive suit, stood behind her with a look of disdain. His lips curled in contempt, before he angrily snapped "Every fucking time I let you come out, you always do something stupid"

I shared a look of shock with Lala who seemed just as surprised by his sudden outburst, "I'm good" I lied, trying to cover up the excruciating pain I really felt, "don't worry about it"

He completely ignored my statement, "I'll tell you what, to make up for Laura's clumsiness" he sneered, "I'll buy you and your friend here a few drinks" he flashed a smile. His teeth looked so bright in contrast to darkness of the bar.

I tried to not look at him like he was crazy - the way his mood changed in seconds like that, was frightening as hell. I wanted to say no, because I really didn't want this strangers company but the woman looked so scared. Maybe if he feels the drinks will make up for it, we should just drink it so she doesn't get unnecessarily blamed and snapped at again. Plus, it's free drinks. Drinks always taste better when they're free, right.

"It was just an accident, but sure" I smiled though I was really feeling pity for Laura who stood there looking grateful I'd agreed.
"Thanks" Lala and I said simultaneously. We obviously had the same trail of thought.

We followed behind the petite, frail looking Laura who was wearing a glittery show stopping dress. She was being lead by the crazy man. He asked the bartender for the most expensive champagne served, and got us a bottle served in a bucket of ice.

"Make sure you get them both into VIP, and keep the bottles coming" he ordered loudly to the brother standing behind the till, over the base of the live band that took the singers place.

"Yes sir" a quieter voice replied.

For the second time since we stepped in Lala and I looked at each other in shock. Our stunned expressions lead to our abnormal silence before we expressed our gratitude. So the blue eyed devil owns this place? Though we felt sorry for Laura, and my little toe still throbbed slightly, when we got shown to the VIP section and became fully immersed in the music, I was glad that little incident happened.

"Cheers" Lala and I smiled at each other as our glasses clinked. Yes, we both needed this.

We nodded our heads to the beat, enjoying the music.
"Candice, is your foot okay?" She asked between sips of the golden liquid.

"The pain is still slightly there but shit, these drinks on tap sure is going to make me forget all about it" I replied ready to get another mouthful of fizz.

She laughed, "I hear that. Girl, I could get used to this"

I glanced at the set up. They even brought us strawberries, along with other complimentary appetisers, "Me too"
Before the glass touched my lips, I felt the eerie feeling of being watched again. I turned my head scanning the room before I spotted Ryan, watching from afar.

Mixing Business with Pleasure (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon