As we faught, the twins began telling me what happened after I passed out. They told me how Voldermort sent a telepathic message telling the students to turn in Harry before the hour was up or he will attack. From the looks of things, no one gave him in. Then they told me that after finding Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem that the Golden Trio had an encounter with Draco in the Room of Requirement. My heart ached when Fred told me the room burned down but it felt better when George told me that Harry saved Draco. I'll have to thank him for that later.

"Okay, so where are they now?" I asked as I blasted a death eater into the wall.

"I think I saw them go down to the boat house," Fred informed me as he stupified a werewolf.

"I'm going to go find them," I paused as I quickly hugged them, while narrowly missing a spell that was shot at us but Percy intercepted it. I smiled gratefully at him. He always saves me, I thought with a smirk.  "Now boys, I need you two to take care of yourself, okay? Promise me that the BOTH of you will come back safe and sound!"

Fred was the first to speak. He took my hand and kissed it. "For you my dear, I'd give up my rear." I bursted out laughing and they chuckled. Trust Fred to say something dumb during an intense battle. "But seriously, I promise. I will not die. Right George?"

George smiled, "That's right Fred. Now go Alice. You too be careful!"

I nodded with a tear in my eye as I ran in the opposite direction. They'll be fine, I told myself. Plus, they have each other. Right now, you're all alone so focus. I whipped out my wand and ran down the steps to the boat house. I saw three figures couched down in front of the window and I ran faster. Huffing and puffing, I finally reached them. Hermione noticed me and gave me a signal to be quiet. I nodded and looked into the window as well. 

Snape was there with...Oh god! Voldermort. My skin began to crawl and radiate with anger. I hated that monster! He killed my baby and because of him my father and mother are dead. I raised my wand, in a stupid attempt to kill him when I remembered what Snape taught me about the Horcruxes. They need to be destroyed first. Darn it! 

Then I watched as Voldermort struck Snape with a spell, slicing his throat open. My hands flew to my mouth in horror. I went to jump up when Ron held me in place as tears flowed down my face in agony. Voldermort said something to the snake that sounded like 'Nagini, kill!' and that blasted python attacked Snape, biting him repeatedly in the chest. A moment later, Voldermort apparated with the snake, leaving Snape to die. I ran inside the minute I was released and knelt down infront of him. He was bleeding uncontrollaby and his skin was paler than usual.

Snape's brown eyes met my blue ones and I cried harder. 

"You're going to be alright Sev," I told him, though I knew he wasn't going to be. "Please just...try to stay alive. I-I know i-it's hard b-but-" I cut myself off when he reached into his pocket and handed me a rectangular box. He handed it to me with great difficulty and I opened it wearily. Then as my eyes landed upon a gorgeous chain embedded with sapphires, my heart broke. 

"I was saving it for your gra-" he coughed out blood and I put pressure on his throat to stop the bleeding. "Graduation." He paused trying to breathe.

"Oh Sev!" I sobbed. "I-I don't know what to...Thank you! Thank you for being there for me! Thank you for taking care of me! Thank- Thank you for everything! I'd probably be dead with out you." I began sobbing again as I fell on his chest. His eyes were begining to dull and his heart beat slowed. Harry stood over me and looked Snape in the eyes. I smiled weakly when I saw that Snape, associated Harry's eyes to Lily's. But it soon faded when Snape's body went rigid and his breathing ceased.

"This can't be happening," I murmured insanely before running outside and falling to my knees in front of the lake, my mind contemplating suicide as I stared at the water. But thankfully Hermione followed and held onto me as I cried, giving some strength. "NO!!!" I screamed at the sky and then glared at the ground muttering 'Why?"

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