Chapter 16

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Hogwarts began the next day without halt. Draco and I returned this morning but I can't help miss our traveling days. Draco was so open, so caring with me. But now that we're back in school, he's going to put on that bad boy mask again, whenever we're in public. Today classes had not yet started but I was making my way to the library to do some research on a report that was due tomorrow. I clutched my wand in my hand, just in case. I was almost at the library when I turned a corner and saw a group of guys huddled up in front of a boy.

Taking a closer look I gasped and I hid in the shadows when I realized that it was Draco and his friends Crabbe and Goyle along with an angry Adrian. I did not want to eavesdrop but the curiosity got the better of me. Draco told me he would get revenge on Adrian but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Adrian demanded.

Draco laughed, darkly. "I don't think you’re in any position to give demands," he paused. "Now, for your punishment-"

"Punishment!" Adrian shrieked. "For what?"

"For trying to rape my girlfriend you bloody git!" Draco shouted angry. And I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter when he referred to me as his girlfriend. He sounded proud and I could not imagine why.

"Kinglsey?" Adrian said shocked. "I didn't know you were shagging her," he smirked. "How do you know she didn't want me to shag her?"

At this Draco went wild. He grabbed Adrian and pushed him roughly up against the wall. I heard a crack as Adrian's head collided with the stone. "Don't you dare impugn her word! Now before I lose it completely, I suggest you listen up. I want you to leave this school for good. While you’re here, Alice is not safe, so pack up your belongings and transfer. I could care less if you go to Dumstrung or get home schooled. I just want you out of here before classes start tomorrow."

Adrian glared. "And what makes you think I'll listen to a word you say?"

Draco let go of Adrian and backed up a few spaces. His back was turned to me but it appeared as if he was showing Adrian something. Whatever it was Adrian coward in fear. Draco retracted his arm and smirked. "Now do I make myself clear?"

Adrian nodded, terrified. 

"Good and if you EVER hurt her or even attempt that vile act again, you will be visited by someone much more ruthless and unforgiving," he paused and motioned for Crabbe and Goyle. "Boys, why don't you two give Pucey here a going away present."

I covered my mouth in horror as Crabbe and Goyle proceeded to punch and kick Adrian until he fell unconscious. I couldn't take it anymore so I back away slowly and ran to my room.

As I sat, curled up on my bed, I couldn't help but to be afraid. My boyfriend was cruel and calculating around others but with me he was sweet and kind. How can someone have two personalities? And what did he show Adrian that made him scared enough to obey his every command?

As I pondered this, I heard footsteps enter the room of requirement and I got into my covers and pretended to be asleep. After a few seconds, the door opened and I tried really hard to even out my breathing. Draco approached my bed and he sat down next to me. He was silent for a moment and I felt his eyes on me the entire time. He sighed and moved a couple stray pieces from my face before shaking me gently.

"Alice, love you need to wake up. It's time for dinner and you haven't eaten anything all day." My eyes fluttered open and I pretended to wake up. I smiled tiredly at him and sat up. 

"Where were you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He hesitated. "I was taking care of the Adrian issue and I can assure you that it's all taken care of but don’t ask me how." I nodded and he helped me up from the bed. "Alice, can you do me a huge favor?"

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