15; Mop Head

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I need myself a nice bikini

"Just give me two more minutes!" Zayn yelled from the bathroom.

"I'm not waiting any longer, Zayn! I'm leaving!" I yelled back before walking down the stairs to begin my journey to the oh-so-dreaded school. I heard a sort of yell and loud footsteps down the stairs before seeing Zayn right by my side. He was still fixing his hair into a quiff.

"Why can't we just take your car?" He grumbled.

"I told you, it's getting some repairs and my dad got mad that I used the emergency car," I scolded, "Plus, I could use the exercise."

"Yeah well I for one hate this exercise. Especially if I have to endure it everyday." I simply rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"So what time did Niall leave yesterday?" He asked.

"Uh... Like at three... In the morning," I smirked at his question and an annoyed look crossed his face.

"Oh.." Was all he said and we continued in silence. Truth is, I was trying my best to not face the reality that me and Niall didn't do anything. We made out for a while, grinded a little, but when he tried to take off my skirt it was like I just snapped. I couldn't go on. It was like something at the back of my head was bugging me. And I hated to admit it, but that something was Zayn. This arrogant, fake, manipulative, piece of shit. We ended up just watching movies and eating pizza.

"Are we gonna walk together after school or?" He asked awkwardly as we turned on to the street that the school is on.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you at these gates," I said as we entered them, " I usually am a little held up cause my last class is on the third floor, so be patient."

He nodded and we entered the building and went our separate ways. As I walked down the halls, I was thinking of whether we had homework or not. I bumped into some kid as I turned a corner. His binder fell out of his hands and the papers flew everywhere. I grunted and got down to help him.

"Watch where you're going-" I stopped when I stood up and saw his face. I knew those brown curls and green eyes anywhere.

"Harry?" I whispered. He looked at me with the same dumbfounded expression. He was taller, a lot taller. He was also broader, and muscular. His curls were looser and darker.

"Lucia? Lucia! I haven't seen you in years!" He yelled.

"Then give me a fucking hug, dumbass!" We hugged and held on to each other.

"I can't believe this. When did you come back?"

"Like last week. My dad got his old job back and they offered him a raise and it was all just great. I was hoping to see you here again, but I wasn't sure if you still lived in those apartments or not," He scratched the back of his neck.

"No, oh my god. So much has changed since we were 4, we really need to meet up sometime. Can you come over today, or whenever?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah I think so. See you at the front gates, Luci," He said as he walked towards his class. All I could think was I have to find Diana.

So I ran through the halls until I got to my locker and was lucky enough to see Diana and Tray there.

"Diana!" I yelled as I almost slammed into her.

"What the hell, perra? What's wrong?" She seemed annoyed as fuck.
"You're never gonna believe who I saw. I saw Harry!"



"Who the f- wait... Styles? Mop head?" She asked. Her eyes lit up as she realized.


"No way! No fucking way! Where is that hoe!" She laughed.

"I don't know but he's coming over to my place later, you should come," I offered.

"Ugh, I can't. Me, Tray, and James are going to that restaurant you hate," She shrugged.

"Why do you guys love that place its disgusting," I shuddered.

"Well we just do so suck it up," She said.

The bell rang and we went our separate ways to the boredom of our classes.


"Zayn, I'm bringing a friend over today," I said.

"How many fucking hookups do you need to fulfill your needs, girl," He said in an annoyed voice. Is this the tone of voice people are gonna greet me in now?

"One, a lot of them, and two, this one's not a hookup," I informed as we waited at the gates, "He said he'd meet me here at the gates."

"Well I don't see him s-"

"Luci!" I heard Harry's voice interrupt Zayn.

"Harry! Cmon I can't wait to tell you all the shit that's happened over the years," I said as I grabbed his hand and dragging him in the direction of my house with Zayn on our tail.

I told him about how my dad won the lottery and invested his money and made even more money and how we got the house and everything. By then, we were in my room eating popcorn as he told me about his adventures in the UK and how he's changed a lot.

"Luci, I have something to say..." He seemed nervouse now. He spoke cautiously and slowly.

"Yeah, go ahead," I reassured him.

"I-uh, I kind of realized something over there. It was around when I was 15. I had been in denial for a long ass time but then, I admitted it to myself and accepted it. Luci, I'm... I'm gay," The way he closed his eyes and bit his lip after the words left his mouth hurt. I could tell he had been hurt before when he came out. I could see the pain of the betrayals of people who he called his friends. He was probably hoping I accepted him.

"Harry... I really don't care what the fuck you are. Just as long as you're back and you're not going anywhere anytime soon I'm happy," I laughed. There was such relief that crossed his face as he grasped me in a tight hug. It was like we lasted like this for hours before some dumbass named Zayn Malik knocked on my door.

"Come in," I muttered.

"Heyy," He peeked his head in, "Uh, Fernanda asked if you guys wanted to come down for dinner?"

"Yeah we'll be right down," I said quickly and he left.

"Well, let's go eat."

What do you guys think about Harry? And Zayn is salty af

~ Judith

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