21; Dad

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school is so stressful i hate math. i can stomach everything else but math is so :(((((((( also, fun fact about me I go to an all girl school  so yaaaaas #girlpower

"Going out with the school slut now, are you?" Michael laughed as we passed him in the halls. I felt Zayn begin to turn around but I stopped him.

"He's not worth it, Zayn," I muttered as we got to my locker. A sadness washed over me as I searched for my Physics book. I knew that some people just really didn't like me, and I was okay with it, but the fact that now people were attacking Zayn? I would die of guilt. Why would anyone attack him? Why would anyone attack me? I've never hurt anyone and it's no one's business what I've done but my own. People need to learn to realize that the world doesn't revolve around them. 

"What's wrong, princess?" Zayn said as he realized I was distant. 

I shut my locker door before responding, "I just don't like people being mean to you. They're always mean to me, until they want something, but I don't get why they'd attack you?" 

"Don't worry about them, Lucia. They're just jealous because I have the prettiest girlfriend ever," He smiled down at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the dreaded classroom. I was in no mood for any sort of learning today. 


"What's good?" Diana said to me as she sat down in front of me during lunch. Trey was by her side, as usual, and Zayn and James were on either side of me. I started laughing along with the rest at Diana's comment.

"Definitely not this lunch," I said as I looked down at what seemed to be pasta. Or maybe it was chicken? 

"I don't understand how Miley is still alive after that roast, she should've disintegrated then and there," James said as he pretended to sip some tea. I laughed even harder as I held onto my stomach. 

"You have a fake ass laugh," Diana said as she puffed up her wild curly hair. 

"Did I ask?" I snapped as I gave her the evil eye. She simply held her hands up in defense before calling me Queen Saltine.

"Trust me, she's anything but salty where it counts," Zayn said quietly, probably thinking no one would hear him. We all burst out laughing as we stared at him in shock. I smacked his arm and thumped his head. 

"What the fuck, man?" I yelled as he just laughed along. 


"When am I gonna take you out on a real date?" Zayn said as we walked out of the gates of school.

"I don't know, I-" I began to say before being rudely interrupted.

"Zayn!" I heard a man yell from behind me. "Zayn, wait!" I noticed a British accent to his words. As we both turned around I saw the color drain from Zayn's face. 

"D-Dad?" Zayn whispered as he saw the man that he had been longing for. Despite being the one who kicked him out, Zayn loved his dad dearly, I knew that. He'd tell me how he missed his parents and that he'd be willing to endure all their fighting just to get to feel their arms wrapped around his once more. And worst of all, he'd say he missed his sisters. That he felt like an ass for just leaving them behind without a goodbye. The man ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his son as I sat there to the side, awkwardly. It broke my heart as I saw Zayn's eyes begin to tear up as he hugged his father back. The two men were in tears as they held on to each other for dear life. 

"Please come back to the house, Zayn. I'm so sorry I kicked you out, and my stupid pride wouldn't let me come and find you. Please, please come back. We miss you," Zayn's dad pulled back as he wiped his tears. He seemed like an older version of Zayn, but darker and more ethnic looking. He had told me that his dad is Pakistani and his mom white. 

"Of course I'll come back dad, don't worry," Zayn sniffled and chuckled, "I miss you guys too."  

"Who is this?" The man said as they finally turned to me. His gaze hardened, "Is this that Elizabeth girl?" 

"No no, dad," He said, "This is Lucia, and uh, she's my, uh, friend." We'd never really established what we were. Zayn's uncertainty seemed to make his dad realize we were working things out as a soft smile spread across his lips. He looked at me with softened eyes and shook my hand, "Nice to meet you Lucia, I'm Yaser, Zayn's dad." 

"It's nice to meet you Mr.Malik," I smiled kindly, not sure what to do as I let go of his hand. 

"It's okay, you can call me Yaser," He smiled and I corrected myself. 

"Well, uh, Lucia has been letting me stay at her place, dad, so I'd have to go and get my stuff," Zayn said as he looked at his father.

"That's fine, kid. But be home by eight," He said to him before walking away back to his car. I turned to Zayn and saw him smiling like an idiot as his dad drove off. He let out a sigh before jumping up and down happily. I laughed as he twirled but then he stopped and took my face in his hands. He placed a sweet and lingering kiss on my lips.

"I'm so happy, my dad took me back, you told me you loved me, we made beautiful love last night, everything is going amazing!" He yelled out. I felt my cheeks flush red as a couple people walked past us and stared. 

"Zayn! Don't say that outloud!" I smacked him.

"You didn't mind all the screaming last night," He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes telling him to shut up.

"I'll shut up if we can have sex in celebration of all the good things in life," He said innocently as we walked towards my home. I smiled at the brown haired boy and nodded. He cheered as we neared the house. 


"Nana's not here, your parents have been out this whole time I've been here, I think we're good," Zayn smirked as he pushed me against the front door when we entered the house. I smiled as he captivated me in a kiss. His hands rested on my waist as he bit down on my bottom lip. He was clearly a lot more feisty today. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me up the stairs in a very wobbly fashion. 

"If we die on these stairs I will come back from the dead and kill you again," I threatened as he just laughed quietly, not wanting to break his concentration. Once he got us up the stairs, he almost tripped as he ran to my door, too excited. As soon as we stepped inside he pressed me against it, trying to be sexy probably, but my head hit the door, "Ow! You fucking asshole!"

"Oh my, God, I'm sorry princess, are you okay?" He asked as he rubbed the back of my head, still having me between him and the door.

"I'm fine," I chuckled before going back to kissing his soft lips. I felt him trail them down my neck and bit down on the skin of my collarbones. A small sigh left my lips, as that was my favorite spot, besides beneath my ear. He put me down before moving us to rest on my bed. There, he let go of me and removed my shirt, exposing my baby pink bra.

"Mmmm, that's a good color on you princess," He said before peppering kisses all over my chest along with an occasional bite. He wriggled his hands beneath my back and I arched so he could take off my bra. Once he tossed the clothing material, he took my nipple and ran his toungue over it, making a moan escape my lips. 

That was when we became lost for words and let our actions take over as we gave in to each other once more that night.

I feel really awkward about writing a sex scene all of a sudden so I just stopped there sorry //:


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