Bella smiled and wrapped an arm around her sister’s neck as they started walking out. “I’ll always be your baby sister, just grown up. Now, let’s just have some fun!”

When they got to the beach Bella and Blakely immediately went for the water. They weren’t like the average girls at the beach, they loved being in the water. They thought, if they were gonna get a tan or a sunburn, they were gonna have fun doing it instead of just laying down to roast. Luke shortly joined them after he got a few girls numbers.

“What took you so long!?” Bella giggled as a wave crashed into them. They all laughed.

“Oh I just got those girls numbers.” He said with a smirk as he waved to them.

“You’re such a pig Luke!” Bella giggled. Then another wave came and pushed Blakely off into Luke’s arms.

“Whoa, careful!” He shouted, his arms around her.

Blakely looked up at him and immediately blushed and stepped back. Bella let out a laugh.

“Look at your face!!” She shouted, pointing. “It’s redder than a lobster!”

“Shut up Bella!” She exclaimed.

“Hey, don’t feel bad.” Luke smirked and waggled his eye brows at her and winked. Blakely threw sand at his face which made Bella bust into a heavier fit of giggles.

“Oh it’s on!” Luke threw Blakely over his shoulder as she let out a sharp scream. He plummeted into the water with her, leaving Bella to laugh as the waves crashed against her. She was pretty well planted into the ocean floor. As she looked around, that’s when she noticed something strange.

Luke and Blakely came up laughing. “Bella! Come on!” Blakely encouraged. “Let’s go further!”

“Um…Lenox?” Bella said softly as she narrowed her eyes.

“What is it?” He stood close to her, trying to see what she saw.

“Is that Alhabi?”

“It looks like it.”

“You stay with her, I’m gonna go talk to him.” She whispered to him. “Hey you two go on ahead and go further! I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”

“OH whatever! We both know you’ve got the world’s strongest bladder! Come on you can hold it!”

“No, I really have to go. I’ll catch up later.” Bella insisted as she started walking out of the water. What was her plan going to be? How would she approach him without startling him? She knew the only unfortunate thing she could do was to do what women did best.

Bella slowed her pace down as the water hit her ankles, she was right in front of Emmanuel and a few of his body guards stood around him and their private tent. Emmanuel was wearing a tan suit and sunglasses as he drank a martini, his hair cut short but styled. Bella turned on her A-game as she approached him. She caught his eye and he immediately sat up straight.

“Hello.” He said slowly as a smirk grew across his face.

“Hi.” She said with a smirk.

Luke watched from the water as Emmanuel and Bella laughed. She was charming him, and he was falling for it. He watched as Emmanuel invited her into his tent. Luke looked around at the men guarding the tent then he looked at Blakely.

“Hey, I’m getting a little tired. Let’s go back to shore.” He suggested.

“Okay, sure.” Blakely agreed and they headed back for their towels.

“I’m gonna go get some water, you want anything?”

“Ou! A snow cone would be perfect! A cherry one!”

“Alright, be right back.” He started walking away. He deliberately walked by the tent. He looked back at Blakely and watched as she lied down on her stomach. He looked around to see if anyone was watching before he elbowed one of the guards in their nose. It started the scene and a ruckus built up.

Bella heard grunting from outside the tent, and clearly so did Emmanuel. She was lying across a lay out chair, holding a martini glass which she was careful not to drink. She wasn’t much of a drinker, only on special occasions. Emmanuel stood up.

“What is going on out there?” He started to go to the tent entrance.

“Oh it’s probably nothing!” Bella chimed as she stood up. She took his hand. “Come on, sit back down. We were just having some fun.” She smirked.

Emmanuel chuckled but then heard another loud grunt. He turned again for the entrance.

Bella panicked and grabbed him, planting an improvised kiss on his lips. Emmanuel still heard the grunts. That’s when he pulled away and pushed her to the ground. He went for the front again. Bella kicked his legs out from underneath him. As he went crashing to the floor she reached for the gun sitting on the table. Emmanuel stood up and went to throw a punch when Bella grabbed him by his arm and pushed forward on his elbow, breaking it. A loud scream of pain came from Emmanuel as Bella flipped him around and slammed him to the ground. She held his right arm behind his back and placed her left knee on his left arm. She put the gun to his head.

“Tell me about this artifact Mr. Alhabi!” She whispered in his ear in an intimidating tone.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Bella tightened her grip on his broken arm, he let out a yelp. “Ow! Alright, okay! It’s a sun clock! Powered by the sun! It doesn’t even work!”

“Then why did you steal it?!”

“Because it belongs to my family!”

“Does David Kennedy belong to your family too!?” Bella tightened her grip on his arm. “Where’s David Kennedy?” Emmanuel went silent. That’s when Bella cocked the gun. “I’m gonna ask you one more time, where’s David Kennedy?” That’s when Bella heard Blakely’s voice.

“Luke! What are you doing!? What the heck is going on here?!” She exclaimed as she rushed into the tent. Everything went silent. “BELLA?!”

Bella just stared at her. She had no words.

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